Page 130 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“Because he’s right,” Crew decided, his tone finite. He flashed Jude and me a smile. “Jude’s right. We want you here for as long as we can keep you, Hazel. And it’s not just because you’re an omega and we’re sexually compatible.”

“Though that’s definitely a bonus,” Jude murmured next to my ear.

I giggled and snuggled back against his chest, careful of his injured shoulder. “What happens after dinner and a movie?”

All four men held their collective breaths.

Crew cleared his throat first. “Whatever you want, little omega.”

I gave a happy hum as Kellan started the movie. Rhett got up and hit a light switch to cut out the artificial glow overhead. When he sat back down, he sat next to Jude.

By the time the opening credits started, Kellan and Crew had migrated to our side of the sofa, too.

And I loved every second of it.



Soft voices lulled me out of a deep sleep. I was warm and content, surrounded by comforting smells and hard bodies.

Pack, my mind whispered.

“Are we all good with leaving?” That sounded like Crew’s voice.

My eyes opened, all the good vibes from my nap fleeing. “You’re leaving?” I pushed myself up, rubbing my eyes. I looked around the room.

The TV was dark and a few lamps were on for lighting. The coffee table snacks had been cleared away. I was still snuggled between Rhett and Jude. Kellan was standing over by the large window overlooking the backyard and Crew was seated diagonal from us on the sectional.

Crew stood up and came around to the coffee table, perching on the edge as he faced me. “We need to talk, Hazel.”

My heart plummeted so fast I got dizzy.

His eyes widened. “Baby, stop.” The infusion of his alpha bark in the words combined with Rhett’s soft purring settled my nerves like magic.

“Probably a better way to have said that,” Jude remarked.

Crew winced. “Sorry. He’s right.” He scrubbed a hand over his tired face. “We were filling Jude in on everything that happened at the office today.”

I straightened. “Oh. Do you want me to go so you can all talk?”

“No,” Kellan replied.

Crew covered my hand with his. “It involves you, too, and we’re a pack. All of us.” His gaze held mine as he spoke those words, making sure I understood I was part of them now.

“Okay. What happened?” I asked, leaning against Jude as Rhett toyed with my hair.

Crew pressed his lips into a thin line, his jaw tight as his scent deepened. He wasn’t angry or upset, per se, but his emotions were definitely seeping out of his pores. “We’re being sanctioned for the role we played in rescuing you.”

My mouth popped open. “I got you in trouble?”

“Fuck no,” Jude retorted. “Let him finish, babe.”

I nodded and forced myself to hold back the questions zipping around my brain.

“They’ve been looking for a way to break up our team,” Crew admitted. “They could never outright do it because we’re fucking good at what we do.”

I tilted my head in puzzlement. “Then why on earth would they break you up?”
