Page 131 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“Two reasons,” Rhett spoke up, massaging my neck. “Jude is the first reason. He’s a beta and they’d prefer all alpha teams and all beta teams. Keeping the designations segregated helps them control us a little more.”

Crew inclined his head. “The second reason is probably the biggest reason: we don’t agree with a lot of the new policies and laws being placed on omegas and packs. Our boss has made it clear he’s on the side of the current government, and, well, we aren’t.”

A shuddering breath rattled from my lungs. “I’m really glad you aren’t on Team Asshole.”

Kellan flashed a dimple as he grinned. “Never, sugar.”

Crew nodded in agreement. “So, we went to headquarters, got our asses handed to us, and they, in no uncertain terms, told us our team was on probation and Jude wouldn’t be allowed back on it in any capacity.”

My head swung to face Jude.

He shrugged, but there was hurt in his eyes. “It’s been coming for a long time, Haze.”

“This is such bullshit,” I spat, anger simmering in my blood as I looked at each person. “You guys saved me. Saved Logan. You probably saved over a dozen other betas who were being abused daily. They’d been brainwashed by Donovan and his sick friends.”

“Which is why we don’t regret for a single second that we did it,” Crew replied, reaching over to take my hand. “None of us do.”

I frowned, thinking back to that night. “You guys weren’t alone.”

“No, Pack Stone was there, too,” Crew answered. “Oakley’s a friend and his pack’s beliefs line up with ours. They’re a federal team, too, and they agreed that saving omegas trumped whatever bureaucratic bullshit hoops we needed to jump through.”

“Are they in trouble?” I whispered, hating that even more people might suffer.

Kellan grimaced. “Yeah. They’re not quite ready to make the jump, so they’re staying put for now.”

“Jump?” I repeated.

“That’s what we were discussing when you woke up, love,” Rhett explained. “We think it might be time to leave the FBI.”

“Quit your jobs?” My heart thundered, wondering what that could mean for them.

For me.

Was this my fault?

My scent soured as I tried to pull away from Rhett and Jude. “No, no. This is all wrong. You guys can’t give up your life for?—”

Crew growled and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me over so I straddled his lap and we tested the strength of the glass table beneath us. “Hazel, stop. This isn’t something we hadn’t already considered.”

“It’s been on the table for a while,” Jude added. “It’s hard upholding laws you know are wrong.”

“And we aren’t giving up our lives,” Crew finished, his tone rough as a rattling purr started. “The second we found you, you became our life.”

I released a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“The decisions we make moving forward are all because we’re thinking of you and your best interests. That being said, we wouldn’t make any moves or changes without your input.” Crew leaned in, nuzzling the underside of my jaw as he scent marked me.

“So, would we stay here?” I asked.

Kellan shook his head as he folded his arms over his chest. “No. As much as we love the country, Montana is very much a state that tends to vote on conservative pack and alpha values.”

“We’ve talked about going back to California,” Crew said, watching me like a hawk. “Pops and Mom started a nonprofit a few years ago that helps protect and shelter omegas that have been hurt or abused. They need help—everything from medical to security to construction.”

“It helps that California is more pro-omega rights than most other states,” Rhett jumped in. “They’re openly battling in federal court against a lot of omega restrictions.”

Crew ducked his head. “Does that sound like something you’d be okay with? If you’d rather stay here?—”

A bitter laugh exploded from my chest. “I’d love to put as much distance between myself and the APA as possible. And going home…” A wistful half-whine, half-sigh shuddered from my lips as tears crowded in my eyes. “I didn’t think I’d ever see home again.”
