Page 157 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“No,” I said. “That packet they sent. It had Hillary’s number. Go get it. I want to tell her right now that I’ve made my choice. Oakley and Silas can hear me say it. Hell, someone should film me talking to her so it’s on record that I choose pack Dutton.”

“I’ll grab it, love,” Rhett told me, getting up and stalking out of the room.

“Shit,” Oakley murmured, “you really didn’t know.”

“Of course we didn’t know,” Crew snapped, glaring at Oakley. “If we had—” His phone chirped, and he sighed when he looked at the screen. “Calla’s here.”

“I need her,” I said, wanting my best friend here for comfort. My stomach knotted with tension at the idea of confronting Hillary—thank you, omega genetics, for the perpetual need to please—but it had to be done.

Crew leaned over to kiss me as Rhett returned, handing me his unlocked phone to use. I was already dialing Hillary’s number when Oakley stood up.

“I can let the princess in,” he offered. “Stay with your omega.”

Crew gave him a grateful nod and resumed his seat on the sofa as Oakley and Silas got up to let Calla in.

I hit the speakerphone button as it started to ring. She answered almost immediately.

“Hillary Carson with Omega Services. How may I help you today?” Her sugary sweet tone was cloying.

“Hillary, it’s Hazel Jones,” I started, my tone sharp and clipped as Kellan kissed my shoulder in support.

She gasped. “Oh, Hazel, wonderful. Did you have a chance to look over the potential packs I had sent over?” She tittered a laugh. “I must say, I hand selected?—”

“Stop,” I snapped, sitting up straighter on Kellan’s lap. “I don’t need you to select anything for me. I’m selecting Pack Dutton. They’re my pack.”

Hillary went silent. “Oh. I see. And you’re quite certain on that decision?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life,” I gritted out.

“Very well. Though, I must see you in person to obtain the appropriate signatures and to attest you aren’t saying this under duress.” Her tone was frosty now, all the fake warmth gone.

“Perfect,” I clipped out. “I’d like this handled as soon as possible.”

“I suppose I have time later today, if that works? It will still take a few weeks to have all the paperwork approved at the head office,” she returned.

My lips curved into a feral smile. “Today’s perfect.”

“Your alphas won’t be able to enter the Omega Services offices,” she prattled. “I’m sure you understand how unbonded alphas pose a threat to the omegas we help.”

Like my alphas would ever threaten an omega.

I stiffened, realizing that not only would I have to leave my alphas, but I’d have to leave this home. It had become my sanctuary, and everything in me balked at walking out the front door. My emotions were still too raw.

“Is there any way you could come to me? I’ll be home all afternoon.”

Hillary let out a dramatic sigh. “Very well. I suppose I can be available for a home visit. You may expect me by two.”

“Great.” With that, I hung up and handed the phone to Rhett.

“Good job, baby,” Crew praised.

Kellan’s forehead pressed against my back. “Fucking badass.”

Jude’s hand tightened over mine, and Rhett flashed me an intimate smile.

“Is it okay that she’s coming here later?” I asked, realizing I hadn’t consulted them about the decision and it was their home.

Rhett nodded. “Absolutely, dove. This is your home as well. You have every right to have guests over.”
