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The boy swallowed hard. “Can we bring him in?”

“Of course.” Crew waved a hand, inviting him inside. With the help of another beta on the other end, they wheeled the bed in.

Jude’s head lolled to the side and he grinned at us. “Hey! It’s a party.” Then he frowned. “Is it my birthday?”

Kellan snickered as he went back to relaxing beside me. “Not this time.”

Jude’s full lower lip jutted out in a pout. “I wanted cake. And cock. A cake-cock.”

“Uh…” I could feel my eyes getting wider by the second.

The first orderly winced. “He’s, uh, a little loopy from the pain meds and anesthesia.”

Crew gave a low laugh. “Yeah, this isn’t our first rodeo with Jude when he’s on something.”

Kellan shot me a wry grin and a wink. “Just sit back and enjoy the show, sugar.”

The attendants locked the wheels of Jude’s bed, then seemed to double check to make sure they weren’t going anywhere. The one in charge shot us a reassuring look. “The doctor will be in to go over everything.” With that, both attendants scurried from the room.

“Where’s Rhett?” Jude demanded, sounding a bit like an annoyed toddler. “I want my cake-cock. His cock is the best flavor ever. Lick him like a lollipop. A cock-pop.”

I choked on my spit, drawing his attention.

Jude’s green eyes lit up. “Hazel! You came to my party, too?”

“Still not a party,” Crew answered for me, an infinite amount of patience in his warm timbre.

Jude gave me an unfocused once-over. “Are you hurt?” His brows pulled low. “Wait… I was there. You were in trouble.”

“You saved me,” I reminded him, wishing I could climb out of this bed and crawl into his. Something about Jude settled me in a way that Kellan, and even Crew, couldn’t.

A slow, dopey grin crawled across Jude’s face. “I did?”

“You did, bro,” Kellan agreed, turning his head and… sniffing me?

Oh, yuck. I needed at least twenty bleach-based showers to wash off the cult stink.

“You did good,” Crew affirmed, his tone carrying a weight that seemed to puff up Jude’s chest.

“So, do I get a party then?” Jude asked, his expression adorably boyish and hopeful despite the shadows bruising under his eyes.

“When we get home, absolutely,” Kellan replied. He squeezed my shoulders. “I think we all definitely need to celebrate.” His eyebrows gave a suggestive waggle that sent my pulse soaring.

But not in the good way.

Was that what all alphas assumed? That an omega was just lining up—or laying down—to get knotted?

I tried to lean away from him.

Crew’s hand shot out, slapping the back of Kellan’s head with enough force that I heard Kellan’s teeth click together.

“Fucking idiot,” Crew snapped. “We just rescued her from a damn cult that wanted to use her as a sex slave, and you’re already trying to figure out how to get your knot off?”

Kellan went from looking ready to deck Crew to almost ashen as he turned to me. “Hell, sugar, I didn’t mean it like that. I just… Shitty humor is my default setting.” He looked utterly crushed that he might’ve scared me.

“It’s okay,” I managed to whisper.

“No, it isn’t,” Crew cut in sharply, his blue eyes still twin flames of fury. “He should’ve used his head.”
