Page 95 of Dangerously Kept

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He knows I’m kidding, but it earns me a rare and beautiful smile all the same. One he seems to only reserve for me.

“Here’s your coffee, Pretty Girl,” Mac says as he rejoins us and sets my cup on the table. Just as I’m about to lean in to give Finn his good morning kiss and join Mac on the couch, something abnormal catches my eye on Finn’s neck. It looks like a tattoo. That can’t be right. He doesn’t have a single tattoo that shows beyond his collar or wrists. But as I look a little closer, I realize it’s definitely a tattoo, the skin around it red and raised.

“What is that?”

Feigning ignorance, he asks, “What’s what?”

I raise my brows and sternly prompt, “Love—”

“Angel.” Firmly gripping his bearded jaw, I turn his head to the side.

Holy shit.

In a thick old English font, from just below his ear down toward his collarbone, reads “Harper.” My name is on Finn’s neck.

“Finn . . .”

“Angel . . .”

“What did you do?”

“You mean, what did we do?” Ronan asks from behind me.

Quickly standing from Finn’s lap, I look between Mac and Ronan to find the same exact tattoo along the side of both their necks. I didn’t notice it right away on either of them, so used to their tattoos constantly being on display, both with Ronan already having one on the opposite side of his neck and Mac’s showing through the open buttons of his Henley’s or just not having a shirt on at all.

“Y-you got my name tattooed on you?”

“Yeah, Baby. We did.”

“On your neck?! Everyone will see it all the time.”

The three of them chuckle in unison. “That’s kind of the point,” Mac answers with a cheeks-splitting grin.


“This morning while you were asleep. Ronan’s pretty good with a tattoo gun.”

My head snaps to Ronan, who shrugs. “I don’t do super big pieces, but I did a lot of our smaller ones.”

“What is even happening right now?” I massage my temples with my fingers.

“Don’t look so surprised, Baby. You know I’m good with my hands.” He shoots me a menacing wink.

I look back at Mac. “Why would you do that?”

Standing from the couch, he walks around the coffee table so he’s directly in front of me. Grabbing both my hands in his, he says, calm and sure, “It’s simple, Harper. We want you with us every minute of every day. And now, even when you can’t be, you will be. Just as your soul belongs with ours, your name belongs on our skin. In every sense of the word, you are ours, and we are yours. We wanted everyone to know it.”

“This—this will last forever.” I reach up and drag my finger along my name.

“Because that’s what we are. Forever.”

This isn’t a marriage proposal, but it sure as hell feels like one. I look between the three of them. “Forever.”

With my hands still in his, Mac brings my hands up to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

“Can I have my good morning kiss now, please?”

Finn fakes a pout as Mac gently pats my ass. “Go. Then come have your coffee.”
