Page 102 of Let's Play

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“Stop.” His open hand slapped the wall. “Everything about you is different now. You wear so much fucking make-up; you don’t even look like yourself. Even your eyes are different. Colored contacts? Really? Not to mention, the way you act is-”

Oh, hell no. We’re not going there.

“The way I act? This is me. The girl you thought you loved died on the field with her dad. She’s gone. Take the pass. Move on.”

His shoulders rose a little higher with each breath. The vein in his neck grew thicker and thicker, exposing a vein pumping harder than it should have.


Clearly, his brain hadn’t been getting enough oxygen.

“Bullshit. I’m not giving up on you.” He stepped into me, close enough for his nose to barely touch mine.

“You were willing to quit ten minutes ago when you stopped kissing me.” The rise and fall of our body’s need to take deep breathes created physical friction between him and me, bringing us closer and further apart with every heartbeat.

“Not anymore.” He pressed his lips against mine and the world went blank. The kiss meant so much more. Raw and full of emotion.

Even better without the chocolate.

Chapter 15


“Harrison, let’s run the Sanders play one more time. Be ready to run long. Luke, make it count. On two.” Coach tapped my helmet.

My offensive line sunk into their stance.


No one moved.


Luke cocked his arm into a shotgun position. My line backers cleared a hole for me to run back to the field.

Catch this one. I’d missed the last three thinking of my night with Meghan Grace. Her arms pulling me into her. Her lips on mine. Our bodies meshed together in a sea of sheets.

Fuck. I’m gunna miss it again.

I turned just in time to pluck the ball out of the air and pull it into my chest.


Muscle memory took over, pushing me farther into the end zone.

My teammates were right behind me, cheering me on. It was just a practice, but excitement for the next game was already high. They knew they could count on me. As long as I had my head in the game and not worrying about my girl.


I could finally call Meghan Grace mine.

Took me long enough.

“Gorman, you missed your block. It worked out ‘cause the plan used the other side of the field, but I need all my men blocking. Benedict could have been sacked.” Coach gave the team a few more pointers. After a couple of minutes, I tuned him out. My girl was back home, probably still in my bed, waiting for me.

Come on coach. I gotta go.

“Hit the showers. Get some rest. Make sure your head is clear for game day. Bring it on in.” We made our huddle and broke with a chant.

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