Page 120 of Let's Play

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“Just left.” The big guy looked down at me, then ruffled my hair like a five-year-old. “Heading toward the frat house. You ready to live it up?”

I nodded. Anything to get away from the crowd. I didn’t mind celebrating with my team or fans, but I wasn’t in the mood for the fakes. But they’d be at the party too... great. That thought brought me down. I just wanted to sit with Josie and dissect the game like we’d done for the last four years.

Later on, I could find someone to burn off the excess adrenaline.

“Why didn’t they wait for us?” I hated how that sounded, even to my ears. Josie knew how much I hated change. It made no sense why she’d just take off. “I mean, they usually do, then JoJo and I drive your truck and you ride with Amber.” Now I sounded like a whiny bitch.

Mike wrinkled his eyebrows and twisted his mouth. “Yeah, so. What’s the damage? Amber said she had something important to talk to Josie about, and they wanted to get away from this mess.”

“Yeah, I can relate to that, but it’s never bothered her before.” Damn it, I needed to talk to her. Processing the game after was always something we started on the way to the parties. It helped me. And it bugged the shit out of me that she was changing the plans tonight of all nights. I waved back at some of the guys who broke free of the dispersing people. Wyatt Birch, a stud sophomore forward, and his girl, Veronica, walked with our captain, Lucas. “You think Birch is ever gonna find out?”

Mike snorted. “That Lucas is banging his girl? Eventually. Shit like that always comes out.” He pulled his key fob out and unlocked the door. “Just wait and see. It’s going to explode in Birch’s face. Let’s get to the party.”

I glanced back at Wyatt, Veronica, and Lucas. Veronica wrapped an arm around each of the guys, pulling them against her. I shook my head as Lucas slid his hand over her ass and gave it a good squeeze.

Mike was right. It would come out sooner rather than later. I was glad nothing had ever hit me over the head like that. All my real relationships ended pretty smoothly. Well, other than Alice. And Lorraine. Most of the ladies were the ones to decide it was over, and it always surprised me how relieved I felt once it was done.

I climbed into the truck, glad to be away from people for a few minutes. Too bad Josie wasn’t with me. Mike’s story about her didn’t really make sense, though. Josie was outgoing and friendly; there wasn’t a person she didn’t like or who didn’t like her. Well, for the most part. Most of my girlfriends hated her. Josie knew more about hockey than any of them, so they loathed it when I’d talk to her about a game. Of course, none of them bothered to learn.

Mike started the car, then turned to look at me. “Ready to celebrate?”

I punched the roof of his car. “Fuck yeah. It’s time to party.”

“Within reason.” Mike laughed as he put the car in drive and squealed the tires on the way out of the parking lot.

Time to let loose for an hour or so. After I talked to Josie. I needed to go over the game with her more than I needed a few beers. And I needed to celebrate with her, see her smile.

Hell, I just needed my best friend.

Chapter 3


“Where’s Evan?” one of his conquests asked the minute I set foot inside the house. It was already crowded, and the numerous air fresheners did nothing to hide the smell of spilled beer, sweat, and pot. “Well? You’re always with him. Where is he?”

“Do I look like his babysitter?” I snapped, forcing her back a step.

The bottle-ginger rolled her eyes. “Chill, Jocelyn. It’s a legit question. He never shows up without you on his ass. You guys fight our something? Did you finally tell him you’re gay?”

Amber shoved the girl back. “Get a fucking life, Tracy. All you do is spread rumors and screw athletes. How in the hell are you not living in a trailer with eight kids by now?”

Tracy rolled her deep brown eyes. “Chill. I was just teasing.” She glared at me with utter contempt. Yeah, she was bitch. “But seriously, are you? Because I can’t imagine spending all that time with Evan and not tapping that.”

“Jesus.” I pushed past her, hoping the heat rising to my face wasn’t noticeable. Tracy was the type of person who cared more about beating someone down than raising them up. Nothing was out of her reach. She knew I wasn’t a lesbian, but she would do anything to hurt me just because she could. I hated people like that.

“Take your STDs out of my face,” Amber said behind me.

I didn’t turn around to find out what happened. This party was already starting off as horribly as I expected. I didn’t stop until I had an unopened microbrew in each hand and was out in the fenced-in backyard. Two fire pits were burning bright without a lot of people around to enjoy them since early April was still fighting off winter’s grip. Rain threatened to impede on the party—the type of rain that scented the wind before falling.

After I settled into a vacant chair near the warmth of the fire and away from the couple who talked quietly to themselves, I stared at my surroundings. It wouldn’t be long until this would all be in my past. The house wasn’t anything special; just a two story with four bedrooms upstairs and a large living room, dining room, kitchen, and office on the first floor. Only the officers of the frat lived at the house. Almost everyone else shared apartments on campus or, in the rare cases, had their own places off campus.

Evan was one of those rare cases. He lived over his coach’s garage in an open studio apartment. It was as basic as it gets, just like you’d expect from a single college guy; only a bed, a desk, and a couch occupied his space. He didn’t even have a table for the tiny kitchen with a two-burner stove. It suited him, though.

My mind was lost in memories as I watched the fire dance. Evan and I have come here after every home game and sat outside, just talking about the plays, the other team, and anything else on his mind. He needed time to work things out. People thought he was stupid or slow, but he wasn’t. He took everything into consideration before forming an opinion. I pulled my jacket tighter when a swift breeze rattled the lights hanging off the fence.

“Hey, there you are.” His deep tenor sent chills down my spine. I held up the unopened beer for him. “Thanks.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him tentatively lower himself into the chair. He’d taken some hard hits against the board during the game. The worst was in the first period when someone cross checked him from behind and slammed his knee into the boards. Knowing Evan, he didn’t make a big deal about it when it happened and powered through, but now he favored it a little.
