Page 125 of Let's Play

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She’d be at my place, or I’d be at hers. We played games, watched movies, went to dinner. Hell, we even made dinner together when she’d go on some stupid diet she didn’t need. Josie was beautiful and perfect just as she was.



And holy shit.

I sat up fast.

We were basically dating without the sex. I did a quick tally of similarities, comparing our relationship to the only other one I had. Lorraine and I did the same stuff, only Lorraine controlled everything about me, down to even my clothes. Josie just let me be me.

My mind drifted back to that kiss again like it had been every few minutes since she’d left. I’d be lying to myself to say it hadn’t affected me. Her hands on my face. Her body pressed against mine. She fit against me like a puzzle piece.

I wanted more.

And I didn’t.

Confusion clouded my every thought about her now. Then anger took over because I was pissed when I really thought about it. Tonight, of all fucking nights, she dropped this in my lap. We were supposed to be celebrating, not fighting, not breaking up.

I stood from my chair and stormed out of the side gate.

This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot. Josie got to say her piece.

Now I was going to say mine.

Chapter 6


I curled up in my chair, pulling the quilt my grandmother made me tighter around my body. It was a small comfort. The quilt was covered with squares of pale yellows, light pinks, and white, all alternating to look like a diamond pattern. I’d loved it immediately when she gave it to me on Christmas when I was ten. I love it even more now. The worn edges were the only hint of its age. It’s the only thing I have left of her.

Rain started to fall outside, slowly, then picked up speed and turned into a mix with sleet. Great. Winter wasn’t quite ready to let go yet. It grew louder as it hammered against the windowpane. I almost didn’t hear the soft rap on my door.

It had to be Amber. She wasn’t one to take no for an answer if she thought I needed her. Kind of how Evan was, too. That wasn’t going to happen again. He’d never look at me the same, and I couldn’t see him as my friend when I loved him too much. I knew this would hurt. I just never expected it to feel like death.

Leaving the quilt on its chair, I walked over and opened the door without looking. My heart almost stopped beating when a very wet, very cold Evan stood outside. His hair stuck to his face, and his clothes dripped with water.

His eyes scared me, though. He was furious. I’d never seen the blue irises look so cold. And he’d never been this angry at me.

“You ambushed me, JoJo,” he said in a too-calm voice, one that I’d heard before but never had directed at me. Hurricane Evan was about to land in my apartment.

“I know.” I stepped back as he stalked past me into my living room, water still dripping off his soaked jacket.

“That wasn’t fair.” He glared at me, not caring that he was leaving a puddle in his wake on my floor.

I didn’t care either, but it was easier to focus on that than the madness in his eyes. “I’ll get you a towel.”

“I don’t want a fucking towel,” he yelled. The hurricane hit landfall. “I want answers.”

I flinched but didn’t back down. “To what questions? I told you everything, Evan. Everything. I ripped my chest open and gave you everything inside me. You said no.”

“You ambushed me,” he yelled, his emotions running higher than I’d ever seen them.

“Yes, I know.” I crossed my arms. “You’ve said that, and I already agreed. You said no. What more do you want from me?”

His gaze shifted to my shirt, then down to my shorts. I watched as the anger slid from his face and then his body, relaxing him almost instantly. He pointed at my clothes. “Those are mine.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’ve seen me in them before.”
