Page 221 of Let's Play

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He arrived a few moments later carrying a tray with their order.

“What if someone sees us eating together?” she asked and did a quick scan of the café.

“Since when did eating breakfast become a crime?” he asked and took a bite of his muffin.

“Aren’t you afraid someone might think—”

“So what if they do,” he admitted and shrugged his shoulders. “We’re having breakfast. Two people that are part of the same sports organization.”

“True, but—” Camryn began.

“Look, if you’re so worried about someone seeing us together, maybe you should’ve sat at a table by yourself.”

“You don’t have to be so outraged about it. I was just curious. Besides, I think you’re the one who came to my table.”

“Stop worrying. Life’s too short to worry about the small stuff.”

“Finally, something I agree with,” she said and brought her steaming cup of coffee to her mouth.

For two people who knew so little about one another, time slipped away from them, and Camryn was actually saddened when he announced he needed to go.

Alec did a doubletake when he looked down at his phone. “Holy shit. I’ve got to get to practice. Funny how you’re always making me late,” he said and held his hand up to indicate he wasn’t serious. “I’m kidding, okay? That was meant as a joke.”

“What time is your practice over?” she asked and wadded the napkin she’d had in her lap.

“Why? Because you want to see me or something?”

Alec was good at making her cheeks blush. “Did I say that I wanted to see you again?” she teased, knowing she’d have a tough time saying no if he did.

“No, but most people do find me irresistible.” Alec laughed at his own comment.

“Well, I’m not most people.” And with that, she picked up her things and walked out of the café, a smirk on her face.

Chapter Six

Camryn spent the afternoon working out in the fitness center at the hotel, then she completed her workout with a run around the block. On her way back, she turned the corner just as the shuttle pulled up out front with the players and coaching staff.

She slowed to a stop then leaned down to catch her breath. Wishing she’d brought a towel with her to wipe the perspiration from her face, she stepped to the side and as close as she could get to a tall artificial plant in the hotel lobby. She’d be lying if she said she weren’t hoping to catch a glimpse of Alec.

Her heart sank though when the bus pulled away and she had yet to see him. Was it possible he was one of the first ones to get off and she’d just missed him? She could’ve sworn she’d watched every single person step down and head into the hotel.

“Looking for someone?”

“Holy hell,” she said and brought her hand up to her chest. “You scared the crap out of me.” Camryn wasn’t one to scare easily, but her heart felt like it was about to explode in her chest. Then she playfully swatted Alec’s arm.

“That’s my throwing arm. Better be careful how hard you do that,” he teased and brought his hand up to cover the spot she’d lightly brushed.

“Stop it. You know that didn’t hurt.” Camryn knew he was only teasing, but she was more than willing to play along.

“Hey, since you’re a nurse. I might need you to bring some ice to my room so I can ice it down tonight. Then you’ll need to check in on me before the game tomorrow. You know, to make sure it’s not injured.”

Oh, he’s good! she thought to herself. Really good.

“You’re not right, you know that don’t you?” she exclaimed as she pushed her damp hair from her face.

“I’ve heard that one before.”

“Alec,” a voice called out and they both looked up to see Steven Murphy, one of the Shark’s outfielders, standing a few feet away. “We’re meeting up at seven tonight. You’re still coming, aren’t you?”
