Page 80 of Let's Play

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The mall was extra crowded for a Saturday. We could barely squeeze through the walkways. We started with a walk through one of those teeny bopper clothing stores. None of that shit would fit me size wise, not to mention personal preference.

“Not finding anything?” She picked up a pair of jeans from a rack.

“Definitely not.” I shook my head no. Those jeans were hideous.

We walked back into the main corridor, passing teenagers in big groups, families with small children, and old men sitting on benches. The aroma of coffee caught us. We stopped for a caffeine break. The barista worked the handles on the espresso machine like a mechanic torques a wrench.

With warm drinks in hand, we continued our shopping adventure.

Rosie pulled me into Buckle, another clothing store. A lacey blue blouse caught my attention. Sophistication at its finest. The lace twisted and turned, creating intricate designs. I ran my fingers along the silky inner layer to check the price tag. Sixty bucks. I swallowed a sip of coffee. Maybe I could afford that shirt when hell froze over.

“It’s beautiful. Try it on!” Rosie had her own try-on pile lugged over her arm.

The shirt fit my body perfectly. The navy blue was much more different from the greys and blacks I normally wear. Still, the detailed lace added grace and class. I looked through my wallet. If I bought the shirt, I’d only have two dollars left until I got back to my mason jar. I couldn’t spend that much money on one article of clothing.

“How’s it fit?” Rosie called from the stall next to me.

“Like a dream.” I should have lied.

Rory still had a few things to try on, so I returned the shirt to the shelf and waited on the bench outside of the store. My phone pinged with an email sharing my schedule for fall classes.

Rosie came out of the store ready to go into another. “Victoria Secret?”

Like a lost puppy, I trailed right behind her. The splurge in Victoria Secret was a necessity. Every girl needs new undies, especially if there was a five for twenty sale.

We passed the food court, and suddenly coffee wasn’t enough anymore.

“Are you hungry?” Rosie asked.


“Maybe we can just grab a slice of pizza?” I could afford that.

She led us to the upper scale establishment across the way. Ted’s Buffalo, I’d eaten there before. They had a pot roast that could make your Grandma’s famous recipe look like shit on a shingle.

“My treat.” She approached the hostess.

In the early afternoon, few people were interested in sit-down restaurants.

“This way,” the hostess directed us to a booth. “Your server will be right with you.”

My back straightened, anticipation built. Someone was going to serve me for a change. It had been far too long since I ate at a restaurant with a waiter.

A young woman about our age walked over with two glasses of water. I took a sip as she introduced herself.

“I’m Olivia. I’ll be taking care of you today.” At the sound of her voice, I spewed water all over Rosie.

“I’m so sorry. Is there something wrong with the water?” Stay Calm. I shook my head no, hoping Olivia would magically disappear.

“I’ll be right back with paper towels.” It worked! I should play the lottery!

“What the hell, mija?” Another one of your exes you forgot to tell me about?” Rosie asked.

She was ready to fight Chase when I told her the story. What would she do to Olivia? Speak of the devil… She dropped off a stack of paper towels. “I’ll be back in just a moment.”

“Worse than an ex. She was the head mean girl and cheerleader in middle school. She and I did not get along. We were friends once, then she told the entire school that I had a crush on Chase.” I shared all the gory details about seeing them together in the coffee shop.
