Page 13 of Savage Heart

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Dane waves a hand in the air. “He’s a good guy, but he’s been dealt a rough hand. The people who put him in prison came looking for him. It’s him they were shooting at, but Tobias was in the crossfire.”

I narrow my eyes at him, trying to process what he’s saying. “So, you’re telling me your MC had nothing to do with what happened to Tobias?”

Dane nods earnestly. “Yes, Lore. Tobias is like a brother to me. I know you know this. We protect our own, and whether you like it or not, Tobias is one of us.”

My anger starts to wane, but doubts linger. “This Renny is in your MC?”

Dane shrugs. “Yes, but Tobias being shot and the MC having a hand in it are two different things. You’ve lived the life… you get this.” He runs a hand down his face. “I just want to make sure Tobias gets through this, and I want you to feel safe here too.”

I chew on my lower lip, torn between anger and concern. “What’s your plan, then?”

Dane offers a faint smile, genuine for the first time since our encounter. “Renny is cooperating with the police. He’s shared what he knows, and in the meantime, me and my MC will do everything we can to protect you and Tobias.”

“Is there still a threat?”

“No, but there’s nothing wrong with being cautious.”

As I consider his words, I wonder if I’ve been too quick to judge. Dane might not be the enemy, and if he’s telling the truth, we could be allies. But I can’t shake the lingering doubts and fears that have taken root in my mind.

“A left, you said?”

Dane nods. “Yep, take a left, drive for a block, then turn right. It’s the gaudy blue building.”

“Sounds delightful,” I reply sarcastically.

“It might look like a smurf threw up, but it’s clean, secure, and best of all, it’s close to the hospital.”

I can’t help but chuckle at his choice of words, and the tension between us is momentarily eased.

Despite the circumstances, maybe there’s a chance we can work together to get through this ordeal.

Chapter Five


President, Savage Angels MC

The clubhouse is full of unfamiliar faces from different chapters. Jonas has found beds for all of them and fielded questions from Carlos Morales, our local sheriff, about the swell in our numbers. Even though Carlos is a friend, he’s made it clear he has no love for the MC. I have no doubt he’ll be seeking me out to grill me and make a point of wanting to know the backgrounds of all of them, even though he will have already started the process.

“Dane!” bellows King, the president of the Las Vegas chapter.


He engulfs me in a hug, slapping my back several times.

“How the fuck are you?”

“What are you doing in Tourmaline?”

He leans in, giving me a sideways glance. “What, you’re not happy to see me?”

“My home is your home, but King, you’re a long way from home.”

“Yeah, that’s what your VP keeps telling me.” He looks outside. “Walk with me?”

King is nearly as tall as me, a little younger, but just as formidable. It’s not every day he shows up in Tourmaline—this would be his first visit. We step outside the clubhouse, seeking privacy from those within.

King takes another drag of his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the night air. “I’ve got some business to discuss, something that could impact both our chapters. Sorry about the troubles you’ve had, but I was already on my way when I heard about the shootings.”
