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We’ve been dreaming about finding our mate for years, but it had never happened. I can barely believe that it’s happening now.

I can’t focus on how thrilled I am to have finally found her though. Not right now.

She’s in danger,I remind him, and his elation is dashed, just like mine.

Save her!He snaps at me.

Working on it.

We run faster, following her sweet scent as we weave our way through the trees. There’s a rental cabin out this way and I know that she must be staying there.

I expect that she’s snowed in, or maybe she slipped and got hurt. What I don’t expect to find when I break through the tree line is for a man to be on top of her.

Kill him!My wolf snarls, and I have to agree.

My mate is fighting him, her legs and arms kicking at him, but I can see her tiring. Then her arms drop, and that’s when I smell it. The sweet scent of chemicals almost burns my nose, and I lunge, knocking him off of her. I see the white cloth drop to the snow and I know that he must have drugged her.

I want to rip the guy’s throat out for trying to hurt my mate, but I need to make sure that she’s safe first. I turn, looking at her and my heart stops.

She’s gorgeous. Her pale blonde hair is so light that it almost blends in with the snow. She’s wearing a dark blue snowsuit that molds to her curves, and my wolf licks his lips. Desire kicks me in the gut at the sight of her.

Mine. She’s all mine.

I’m about to turn back to the man when I see the blood staining the snow.

No! Fix her!My wolf growls at me, and I swallow down the fear at seeing her hurt.

“Fuck,” the man pants as he stands and runs back towards the woods.

I want to go after him, but I know that I need to take care of my mate right now. She comes first. Always.

I shift, not caring that the man could have seen me and told others. I move closer to my mate, looking her over. The blood seems to be coming from her hands, and I smile with pride when I realize that it’s from fighting off her attacker.

My mate is a fighter. She’s strong.

My wolf nods, proud of our mate too.

She’s starting to shiver, and I hurry to scoop her up in my arms and take off through the snow. I think about taking her to the cabin near us, but the man must know that she’s staying there.

It’s not safe. Bring her home,my wolf urges me.

My cabin is close by and I head in that direction. She stays asleep the whole way, her pretty face cradled against my shoulder as I carry her.

She smells so good, like lemons and sugar. I want to lick her, to bury my nose against her skin and breathe her in, but then I get a whiff of her blood and I know that I can’t.

My cabin comes into view and I move faster, kicking the door shut behind me and carrying her over to my bed. I lay her down gently, pulling off her boots and trying to make her comfortable before I head to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

She doesn’t stir as I clean and bandage her hands or when I pull out my phone and tell Davis and Gunner to head my way and pick up the scent of the man who attacked my mate.

“Mate?” Gunner questions, and I smile.

“Yeah, mate. I found her.”

“We’re on it, boss. We’ll find him.”

“Good. When you do, bring him to headquarters. I don’t want him anywhere near her.”

“Got it,” Davis says.
