Page 116 of Side By Side

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“Really?” Belle nodded.

“And he wants to meet with me. I know Lincoln; we go back a few years. So, it’s more a skating audition than us getting to know each other, but if that goes well, I’d be his partner, and…”

“Lincoln is great. I’ve seen him skate. Well, on TV, anyway. He’s very talented and seems like a solid partner. You’d have a great shot of making it, Chandler.”

“Maybe. I don’t know. I still need to think about it.”

“Babe, what’s to think about here?”

“You’re my partner.”

“I can’t be your partner there, Chandler. Not yet, anyway. I hope the IOC makes changes, but until then, you and I can’t skate together at that level. Lincoln can skate with you. Hell, he might be able to help you get a medal.”

“I’ve never done this part before. Cat or my mom always handled this stuff for me. He only called me because he called Cat first, and she told him she was no longer my coach.”

“So? You call him back and tell him you’re interested. You’ll work everything else out after that.”



“What about us?”

“Partner us, or girlfriend us?”

Chandler smiled and said, “You’re my girlfriend.”

“Yeah, I am.”

“What about when I go?”

Belle nodded because Chandler had just said when, not if.

“Well, we’re both really busy. I’ve got the Ice Park, hockey, and my dad. You’ve got this new partner and trying to make the team. Maybe we… I don’t know; do long-distance for a while.”

“I don’t want that.”

“I can’t leave right now, Chandler.”

“I know.”

“And you can’t stay. This is too important. I know your mom and Cat both put bad stuff in your ear, but you love skating. You’re amazing at it, even though you don’t always see it. I want this for you.”

“I want it, too. But I also want you.”

“You have me. I’m not going anywhere. But things are about to get intense for you. Lincoln is a real contender. You should put all your focus on that.”

“And what, none on this?”

“I just want to let you off the hook. That’s what I’m saying. You don’t have to worry about us, or me, or having to call when you’re too tired and need to sleep or text me when you need to train. I know this life, Chandler. I know how it works. And right now, you need to have your mind on skating. So, you’re off the hook.”

“Off the hook? Do I still have a girlfriend, Belle?”

Belle nodded and said, “Yes. But she’s not going to bother or nag you. She’s going to give you the space you need to achieve this dream.”

“I don’t want space, Belle. I want you.”

“I want you. And if you can honestly tell me that you don’t want to try with Lincoln, we’ll pick up right now with you counting down the cash. But if you do want it, I want it for you, and I’ll be here when it’s all over. Whenever that is.”
