Page 8 of Risking it All

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Heat dotted over my cheeks even as I nodded. “Very. I don’t have his number, but I could probably get it without too much trouble.”

It’d only take a call to Kimberley, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tangle myself into that right now. I was busy with my clinic, and that took up most of my time. A relationship needed attention to flourish, and right now I couldn’t spare much. It wouldn’t be fair to my hypothetical partner.

Focusing back on Alice, I waved her toward the kitchen. “We can talk more about that later. For now, what are you making, and do you want help?”

She glanced at the bowl and shrugged. “It’s cookies, and I’ll always take help. It’s been a while since I baked them, and it’s nice to have someone that isn’t trying to eat the batter.”

My lips curled at that. “Will, I take it?”

She nodded, making a loud and dramatic groaning noise. “He always does that, and it drives me insane. Don’t even get me started on how he licks the spoon before we’re done using it. I’ve told him dozens of times over the years that it’s not sanitary, but he refuses to listen. I love him, but the man has a thick skull, and sometimes it frustrates me.”

This wasn’t the first time I’d heard this rant, and I automatically started dazing out. I snapped back to the present when she threw her hands in the air and huffed.

“Why do men have to be so frustrating? Mom never irritates me like this.”

I patted her shoulder on instinct, biting back a laugh at her frustration. “I don’t know, but let’s focus on the cookies. I think I still have some ice cream in the freezer we can use on the side.”

Alice brightened, dropping the subject and all but running for the freezer. “Now that sounds like a plan.”

Barely a minute after she disappeared, my phone buzzed, and I tensed on instinct.

Please don’t let that be William.

A small part of me wanted it to be him, but the majority didn’t feel up to dealing with any of that mess or tension.

Thankfully, the name that flashed over the screen wasn’t his; it was Kimberley’s, and she’d texted me.

Are you alright? You left in a hurry, and that guy disappeared after you did.

How was I supposed to answer that? With the truth, obviously, but I didn’t want this to get to the gossip mill… After a long minute, I responded.

I’m fine. I finally got him to see me as a woman, but it isn’t going to work out. I knew that from the start since he’s a playboy, and I’m the commitment type. I’m glad I at least got him to see me as something other than a kid, though. A balm for my pride and all that.

Seeing the way his eyes all but smoldered on me most of the party had definitely been a confidence booster, and I wouldn’t forget it anytime soon. It didn’t matter that nothing would happen between us; when the time was right, I’d find my partner.

It may not be soon, but rushing these things almost always ends in disaster. For now, I would focus on my clinic and see what happened from there.

My phone buzzed, and I glanced over her new message.

You did look amazing, and he wasn’t the only one who couldn’t keep his jaw off the ground. Dennis and I have already been asked about you by what feels like half the ranch hands.

Oh, well, wasn’t that nice? Heat crawled over my cheeks, and I smiled, letting the warm bubble of pride stay.

Considering George was the only one who actually talked to me, I’d probably be asking for his number, if anyone’s.

I’m not sure if I have the time to dedicate to a relationship right now, but if I decide to go that route, I’ll stop by the ranch. That George guy was really nice. Thanks for your help before. Even if the evening didn’t go how I hoped, it still succeeded in the goal.

Then I put my phone away, focusing on Alice when she walked back into the room. I’d have time over the next few weeks to think about William or George. Right now was for us.

Chapter 4

What felt like minutes later but was actually hours, Devin walked through the front door with his signature call.

“Bea, I’m home!”

Alice had gone home a bit ago, leaving me and my mountain of cookies. Finishing my current mouthful, I answered.

“Kitchen, and there’s cookies.”

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