Page 44 of Ignited

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“It’s not your fault. It was an accident.” If anything, it was my fault. The lock could be temperamental, and I should have double-checked it, but I’d been too distracted with getting my dick in JJ’s tempting mouth. Becoming aware of the mess surrounding us, I groaned. “Fuck. Wait just a second.” Grabbing a handful of tissues from my desk drawer, I quickly cleaned us as best I could, tugging my trousers up and zipping them shut. Then, I guided JJ into my office chair. “Wait here a minute. I’ll be back as quickly as I can, okay?”

A single tear ran down his cheek, and he impatiently swiped it away. “I don’t even know why I’m crying.”

My jaw clenched, and my stomach hurt. Cupping his chin, I kissed the tear track. His eyes fluttered shut, and I placed a soft kiss to his eyelids before climbing back to my feet. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Jogging down the stairs to the staff canteen, I burst through the doors. “I need ice,” I barked to the shocked member of staff who’d been wiping down the countertops when I entered. “Now,” I ground out when they remained frozen in place, staring at me.

“Ice. O-of course, Dr. Wilder.”

“It’s for a head injury. A small bump,” I added, in case they decided I should follow first aid procedures. There was no way I could explain what had happened, and so the ice would do. It was only a small bump, but my sunshine boy was in pain, and I needed to fix it.

Returning to my office with a bottle of water and ice wrapped in a clean dishcloth, I found JJ slumped in my chair, his head in his hands.

My stomach hurt all over again. Making sure the door was locked properly this time, I made my way over to him. Yanking my desk drawer open once again, I grabbed a blister pack of paracetamol and placed it on the floor along with the bottle of water.

“Hey. Come here.” Lowering myself to the floor, my back against the wall, I held out my hand. JJ looked up, biting down on his trembling lip. His eyes were wide, and his lashes were damp. “Baby. Come here. Let me make it better,” I said softly. He slipped out of the chair, climbing into my lap, and although he wasn’t that much shorter than me, somehow, we made it work, his body curling into mine as he hid his face in my neck. Holding the makeshift ice pack to his head, I stroked up and down his back.

“I-I’m sorry.” He sniffed, his body shuddering against me.

“I told you, it’s not your fault.”

“B-but Gage. He saw. He doesn’t know about us.” His voice cracked. “What—what if I’ve messed everything up for your promotion? I’m so sorry.”

Now he was crying, trying to stifle the noises, and it killed me. My sunshine boy wasn’t even thinking about the pain he was in, he was so worried about me. Swallowing around the lump in my throat, I brushed the hair away from his face, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head. “Listen to me. It’s going to be okay. I’ll talk to Gage and set things straight. He…he knows I’m bisexual, and so does Stuart—not that I think he’ll even say anything to him—so that part won’t be a surprise. Yes, it wasn’t ideal that he walked in on us, and to be honest, he’s probably wishing he had some brain bleach after seeing me in such a compromising position, but he would never use it against me.” I gritted my teeth, thinking about the awkward conversation to come. “He’ll probably give me a warning, which I suppose I deserve, but I promise you, you’ve done nothing wrong, okay? You haven’t messed anything up. Now, tell me, how’s your head? I got you some paracetamol.”

With a sigh, he lifted his head, his eyes downcast. I made sure to hold the ice pack in place as I leaned forwards to place a kiss to his cheek.

“Are you sure I haven’t messed things up?” he said in a small voice.

“I’m positive. I trust Gage.” Wiping away the tracks of his tears with my thumb, I smiled at him. “Come on, drink your water and take these tablets. Is the ice helping?”

With shaking hands, he opened the water and popped two pills from the blister pack, swallowing them, and then he curled back into me again, winding his arm around my waist. “It’s helping. Thank you. For looking after me.”

“Always,” I promised, and I meant it.

“This can’t be comfortable for you, sitting on the floor like this.”

“Don’t worry about that. I want to make sure you’re okay.” I kissed him again, this time on the lips, and finally, his mouth curved upwards into a small smile.

“You have a great bedside manner, Dr. Wilder.”

“Now I know you’re feeling better if you’re making comments like that.” I grinned at him, and his smile widened. “There’s my sunshine,” I murmured, relief coursing through me.

“Thank you.” Kissing me again, he rubbed his thumb across my jaw. “You should probably speak to Gage sooner rather than later.”

Glancing at my watch, I grimaced. “Yes, I should. I have a lecture in forty minutes, and so does he.”

JJ tugged the ice pack from my grip and climbed off me, rising to his feet. “I have a seminar then, too. No dancing for this one, just sitting down in a classroom. Will you text me afterwards? Tell me what he said?”

Standing, I pulled him back into my arms. “Of course I will. Please don’t worry. It’ll be okay.”

He nodded, accepting my words. “Okay.”

“What the fuck were you thinking, Kill? He’s a student! If anyone other than me had walked in on you?—”

“I know.” Slamming my hand down on Gage’s desk, I spat the words out. “I made a mistake, okay? I know that.”

“It was completely fucking irresponsible. This isn’t like you at all. Seriously, what the fuck is going on with you? You’ve never acted this unprofessionally before. You do realise the shit you’d both be in if anyone found out? You can kiss your two-year plan goodbye, for a start.”
