Page 97 of Endless Hope

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She rested her head on the back of the seat as she turned her face in my direction. “I love living with you.”

“Nothing has to change, then. When is your lease up?”

“Not for two more months.”

I tightened my grip on the wheel, unsure of how she’d react. “Are you going to fight me if I give you a key?”

She gave me a look. “You never even lock your door.”

“We may want to, going forward. I don’t want my brothers dropping in unannounced,” I grumbled.

“They wouldn’t.”

“I’ve been reclusive the last few years, and with my brothers pairing off, they don’t check up on me like they used to. They probably assume I’m okay because I’m with you.”

“I like that.”

“Me, too.” As much as I preferred living alone so I could work uninterrupted, living with Holly hadn’t changed anything. She understood my work, like I got hers. We didn’t interfere in each other’s lives as much as we enhanced it.

“Things are good. Let’s just keep them as they are,” Holly finally said.

I didn’t take that as a no because we were living together, and she wasn’t planning on staying at her apartment. I’d take that for now.

“Now tell me where we’re going,” Holly insisted.

“You’re along for the ride,” I said as I merged onto the northbound lanes of the highway.

“Ugh. This is so frustrating.” Holly was quiet for a few seconds, and then she asked, “Are we going to New York?”

I shook my head. “Not telling you.”

“Philadelphia?” Holly asked hopefully. “I know! You’re taking me to a museum.”

“My lips are sealed.”

We talked about high school, our life since, and the plans for the farm. It felt easy and comfortable. When we pulled off the highway, Holly leaned forward, reading one of the signs, “You’re taking me to Longwood Gardens.”

“I can’t exactly hide it anymore.” I gestured at the sign that indicated we were on the correct route if we were going to Longwood Gardens.

Holly grinned with excitement. “I haven’t been there since I was a kid.”

I glanced over at her. “I thought about inviting your mom and John, but I wanted you to myself.”

“Maybe next time,” Holly said with a smile.

“Next time.” I loved that she was planning a future with me. It was only a matter of time before she officially moved in, and then I could think about a ring.

We followed the signs and pulled into the parking lot, which was quickly filling with vehicles. They scanned the tickets on my phone before handing us a map of the gardens.

“I thought we could tour the grounds, and maybe you’d get some inspiration for your designs.”

“Even though going to new places sparks my imagination, I rarely get out. It always seems like I’m working.”

“This is work, though, right?” I said as I led her to the fountain show. Water sprayed in the air to the sound of festive music. The lights caused several rainbows to appear on the trees behind the display.

I stood behind Holly, pulling her to me with an arm around her chest. My heart was full, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how amazing it was to be here with her like this. As much as this place would inspire Holly, I had a feeling I was going to be too distracted to get much from it personally.

A few minutes later, Holly turned in my arms. “Where do you want to go next?”
