Page 49 of First Touch

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Chapter Twenty-Four


Ishould be worried that Kyle is here. Frightened even. It’s after 10 o’clock on a Tuesday night, he has no reason to show up at my door. If anything, I’m annoyed. Jesse and I were on a roll, making leaps in our communication, and now I’m hiding in my room all alone like a child.

I have all the faith in the world that Jesse will handle whatever the heck Kyle wants though and it’s relieving. It’s been so long since I could depend on anyone for anything.

The big Kyle incident was two weeks ago and I had hoped it was all behind me. Jesse hanging out at the library so much was distracting. My eyes weren’t scanning the entrances for unexpected visits from Kyle, only expected visits from Jesse.

I stopped looking over my shoulder in the parking lot because he was always there to walk me to my car. The stress that I’ve carried for so long, even before my issues with Kyle, has fallen away in his presence.

I creep over to my bedroom window that faces out over the porch and silently open it a crack. I can’t see them because the porch is covered, but if I listen closely, I can hear the interaction.

“You don’t know who you’re messing with, man,” Kyle threatens, lamely. I can’t contain my eye roll. I don’t know who gave him the confidence to think he can be big and tough against someone like Jesse.

“I don’t give a fuck. Don’t ever come back here. If I see you around her again, I’ll make sure it’s the very last time.” Jesse threatens and I feel the weight of it all the way up here, making me grin.

Oh my God. I shouldn’t be turned on by him saying that, but I am. What is wrong with me?

First, he threatens to spank me and I get a thrill of excitement, then he threatens someone for my honor and my insides turn to jelly. Maybe, I need to go back to therapy.

The stairs creak, warning me that he’s coming up to my room. I quickly shut the window and jump up before I’m caught eavesdropping.


I open my door and take a step back, wondering if he’ll come inside. He braces his arms on the top of the door frame, leaning against it instead, filling the space.

“Thank you, for um, handling that,” I stutter out, too distracted by how imposing he looks to think straight.

“He said he forgot a tool, I told him to buy a new one and not to come back.” He shrugs. “If he does, don’t be nice. Call the police right away.” His tone leaves no question. He’s serious.

“Okay,” I agree quietly. He takes a step into the room and it sends a shiver down my spine. “You’re the only man that’s ever been in my room.” The time Kyle was in here snooping doesn’t count.

“Good,” he states, wandering further into my space.

I sit down on my bed, letting him look around. He was in here once before, but that was more formal. This time he takes his time, looking at the photos on my dresser, and examining some of the jewelry that I have laying out.

His being in here like this, so late at night, is wildly intimate. I’m having a hard time remembering that I can’t be touched, because I want him to touch me so desperately. I want him to defile me in the bed that I’ve been lying in alone for years.

“Why is the drawer missing?” He asks, peering at the gaping rectangular hole in my nightstand. Crap.

“Umm. Remember when I told you that I threw away all of my panties?”

He clearly remembers. He looks at me like, duh. I also don’t miss how his eyes flicker down my body at the mention of my underwear.

“Well, he messed around in there too. I was so creeped out that I dumped the whole drawer in the dumpster.”

“Thea. What was in the drawer?” He asks after briefly squeezing his eyes shut. He knows. He definitely knows what I had in that drawer, but he’s going to make me say it anyway.

“Nothing important…”

“Thea,” he insists.

“My toys.” There, I said it. I’m a grown woman, I can talk about vibrators.

He seems calm as he walks closer toward me, stopping just as his knees hit the edge of the bed where I’m sitting with my legs curled up, but I know better. His normally cool demeanor is suddenly rigid and wound-tight.

“What kind of toys?” He leans forward, bracing his hands on either side of me, not touching me, but close. My heart flutters at his nearness, I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.
