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“Is it that obvious?” she asked, sitting next to me and taking the towel from my hand. She gently touched my nose, and I put my palm on her thigh.

“How was your training?” I inquired, changing the subject. I didn’t want her to feel guilty because of this little accident.

“For someone who didn’t exercise for years, it was a challenge,” she answered, studying my face closely. “But I survived.” She shrugged, acting like it was no big deal, even when I noticed that her muscles were probably sore because her movements were slower.

“I’m very proud of you, princess,” I stated sincerely, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes when she smiled at me. She visibly relaxed after my praise, and only then, I realised how confused and hurt she must have felt.

“Are we okay, Mr Thorn?” She asked, her voice soft and quiet, when she moved closer to me. Forgetting about my almost broken bones and dirty clothes, I sat her on my lap and she giggled like a little girl, waking up butterflies in my stomach. I didn’t feel that weird tingling in a long time.

“Well, you gained your satisfaction for my lack of sensibility this morning, and we can move on.” I pointed to my nose, and she leaned closer and gently kissed it, making me grin like an idiot. If someone entered my office in that moment, he or she would be very surprised by the intimate position of my assistant and me on the couch.

“I was expecting you to punish me,” Electra whispered, wrapping her arms around my neck as I stroked her back.

“I have nothing to punish you for, princess,” I replied, kissing her cheek gently.

“Are you sure?” She actually pouted at me, and I tried to suppress a laugh, but I couldn’t. I knew much sooner than her that one day, she would ask for it, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon. Technically, she didn’t say she wanted it, but she acted disappointed by my statement.

“I’m sure,” I started slowly when she wrinkled her cute small nose, “I could find something to punish you for.” I playfully pinched her ass, and she squealed. “But it won’t be for our very mature and civilised exchange of opinions this morning.”

My words earned me another wave of giggles from her, and I didn’t want to do anything else, just enjoy her evident happiness. However, after all of this, I also knew that I owed her an explanation.

"If you want, I can tell you the reason behind my decision to not kiss you," I suggested, and her eyes widened as curiosity danced in them. "But I don’t want you to dig into it," I added, wiping my nose with a towel again because it still bled lightly.

“Okay,” she agreed, nodding.

“Ten years ago, when my last relationship with my sub ended,” I started, looking at her as she frowned, taking my hand between her small palms. “I decided I would only kiss a woman who I’ll fall in love with,” I finished, and Electra blinked a few times, confusion written all over her beautiful face.

I would bet all of my money she thought I didn’t want to kiss her because of something related to her. When in reality, it was only my rule which I set for myself because of my wild lifestyle and personal experience.

"I want the woman who will be by my side to know how much she means to me, that I saved ten years of kisses only for her. I want to make her feel special and loved, safe and taken care of," I continued in a soft voice, carefully choosing my next words. "I just need to be sure, princess." I cupped her jaw with my hand, forcing her to look into my eyes. "I care for you much more than you can imagine. Even if this trial period ends and you decide to leave me, I won’t let you go easily. I will fight for you. You’re mine, baby girl. Just bare with me a little longer. That’s all I’m asking for."

I was staring at her face as tears ran down her cheeks like waterfalls, and her lower lip quivered. I quickly repeated in my head what I’d said to her, trying to find the reason behind her quiet sobs, but nothing popped up.

"What’s going on, princess?" I asked gently, worried about her answer. She had the right to send me to hell with all of my bullshit, and then I would be screwed. My stomach twisted with uneasiness just from the thought of losing her. I couldn’t let that happen. I had to do better for her.

"I acted like an idiot," she muttered, lowering her head in shame. "I’m sorry, sir."

"You have nothing to apologise for," I snapped, putting my index finger under her chin to force her to look at me again. "I should have noticed that something wasn’t right. And also, I should have explained it to you earlier."

I leaned closer, kissing her wet cheek and tasting her salty tears. I hated to be the reason for her sadness and puffy red eyes.

"Mr Thorn?" she whispered quietly. I felt her small palm on my chest, and I pulled away a little.

"Yes, princess," I breathed, prepared for anything she could possibly say to me. I had a very high opinion of myself and my skills, but when it came to her, I was able to mess everything up in no time.

"I did hit your head badly, didn’t I?" She touched my swollen face, and I frowned, not sure that I understood her question. Before I could ask for an explanation, she continued. "You’re so kind and romantic. When will the other one be back?"

"The other?" I repeated, perplexed.

"Yes." She nodded slightly, giving me a radiant smile. "Arrogant, bossy, and eternally grumpy. I like you more than him." She playfully winked at me when she noticed I finally understood her words.

"Don’t tell him that," I warned her with a sly grin, playing her game. I would do anything to make her smile. "He will bend you over the table and make you regret these words."

"He is such a brute." She shook her head from side to side, wrapping her arms around my neck again.

"He’s a sadist," I agreed, giving her a pointed look. "You’ll find out tonight what kind of crazy he is." I wiggled my eyebrows, watching as her expression changed. With everything that was happening between us, she forgot about our date.

"Are you sure about it?" she asked, her voice barely audible when she gave me an insecure look.
