Page 105 of Marry Me Forever

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Rafe shook my hand and dropped it. “I didn’t come stateside much until recently. I’m going to one of them in a few weeks, though. For the Creative Arts Haven charity.”

My charity.

I nodded. “I’ll be there with Katie. Make sure to say hello.”

“I will.” He walked over to West and put out a hand. “At least for today, let’s call a truce. For Emmy’s sake.”

Tension built in the room as West stared at Rafe. I was debating how to get the stubborn fool to be nice for his wedding day when West finally shook Rafe’s hand. Barely for a second, though, before he dropped his arm.

“For Emmy. But don’t think we’re fucking best friends again.”

Rafe clenched his jaw, and I wondered what was being said without words. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

I cleared my throat. “Good. We should probably leave soon for pictures.”

Zach sighed. “Provided Aunt Lori didn’t convince the photographer to change the shoot until after the wedding.”

West grunted. “It’ll be dark then. Besides, I’ve basically lived with Emmy for months now. It’s not like she’s a blushing virgin.”

Zach raised his brows. “What about it being bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?”

West rolled his eyes. “It’s a stupid superstition. I didn’t see the bride for my first wedding and look at how that turned out.”

West had married young, to a woman he’d knocked up after a one-night stand. His life had quickly turned to hell. In the end, his first wife died in a car crash while out with another man.

I said, “Emmy is different. And I’m sure the two of you will be so fucking sweet and happy it’ll make Zach want to puke.”

Zach sighed. “I’m not against affection. But, really, finding Beck and Sabrina that one time has scarred me for life.”

He shuddered, and we laughed. Beck said, “That’s what you get for coming back early from a business trip and not telling me.”

Zach grunted. “I live here, too.”

Before Beck could reply, there was a knock on the door, and West’s two kids rushed into the room. Avery wore a pale pink dress, one with a puffy skirt. She twirled. “Isn’t it pretty, Daddy?”

West squatted down and pulled his daughter into a hug. “You look beautiful, love.”

Avery squirmed. “Don’t wrinkle my dress, Daddy. I want to look nice for the wedding pictures.”

West chuckled and released his daughter. “Then I won’t ruffle your hair.” He turned toward his son and straightened Wyatt’s little tie.

As West chatted with his kids, longing surged inside of me. Having children had always been in the abstract. But watching my grumpy older brother melt for his little boy and girl showed me more of the future I wanted—with Katie as my wife and mother to our children.

Don’t get ahead of yourself.

I was still waiting for the right moment to confess my feelings to her, and then hopefully not long after proposing to her for real.

Maybe after the charity event in a few weeks.

But for now, I pushed all that aside and simply shot the shit with my brothers until it was time for pictures.

And when I finally saw Katie? My heart skipped a beat.

She wore a dark blue dress like all the bridesmaids did. But Emmy had been smart and let them each choose a style in the same fabric that flattered their figures. Katie’s gown hugged her breasts tightly and then flared out in a loose skirt. The type of waist name escaped me. But I didn’t fucking care.

I strode over to her, took her hand, and kissed the back of it. I whispered for her ears only, “You look beautiful, baby. And I can’t wait to see that dress on the floor and you in my bed.”

She laughed. “I’ve missed you, too.” After running a hand down my jacket lapel, she smiled. “You look pretty sexy yourself.”
