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Eric walked up casually in his blue mechanic one-piece jumpsuit that was impossibly attractive on his swimmer's body. He opened the hood, a rag covering his hand. Grey smoke pillowed out and he swatted at it, trying to look around.

Hannah stayed a few feet behind him, trying to give him space and thoroughly freaked out that her car might actually blow up.

Eric slammed the hood and turned, walking back toward his shop. When she fell into step next to him, he looked over and sent her one of his wicked smiles, revealing a scar in his cheek cut deep. "I'm gonna go grab the tow and bring it in to look at it, baby."

Hannah felt her belly do a little flip-flop and cursed herself for still being affected by his ridiculous habit of using pet names. "Okay good. That was crazy."

Eric shoved at her shoulder with his gently. "Yeah, it's not normal to smoke and to lose your brakes. Gotta see what's up. Good job turning it off. You'd be surprised, most people freak and run, leaving the ignition on. And then it turns into a nice fire." She followed him to his tow truck and attempted to climb in, but his hand landed on top of hers on the door handle. "You just hang out here, babe." He saw her disgruntled look and chuckled. "There's nothing you can do. I got this," he said, winking at her and going around the truck, climbing in, and pulling away.

Hannah let herself into the main building, the door groaning in objection. Inside she found an old, cluttered black desk, a matching filing cabinet and an old tan couch. The walls had pictures of antique cars with men standing near them in front of the gas station. Generations of O'Reillys, she figured, noticing the sharp, dark good looks in all of them. A radio was on somewhere unseen playing old rock songs.

She sat down carefully on the couch, watching the dust fly up around the office in the sunlight. She heard Eric return, heard the garage doors opening and the car being put up on the lift. Hannah kept seated knowing that it would only annoy him if she was poking around while he was trying to work. It felt like hours had passed when she heard the groan of the front door and Eric came in, wiping his hands on a red rag. There was a deep downcast to his brows. Confusion? Concern?

"Hey, baby," he said, coming in and leaning against the desk, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

"What's the verdict?" she asked, her hands clenching and unclenching. Worried.

Eric rubbed his hand across his brow. "I don't know how to say this but..."

"So, just say it," she cut him off.

Eric smiled a little. "It's like someone was trying to kill you. Or terrify you at the very least."

Hannah felt her heart rise up in her throat. Her body felt suddenly cold, goosebumps rising up her arms. Oh God. "What?" she managed to ask in a steady voice.

"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy," Eric said, focusing his unsettling eyes on hers, "but the brake lines were cut. On purpose. And as if that wasn't enough," he said, looking thoroughly alarmed, "water was poured into your gas tank. And oil was poured all over your engine. Hence the crazy smoking. That was more of a scare tactic, I assume," he said, looking at her closer. "Who the hell could hate you that much?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Hannah stilled. It was a question she would like to know the answer to as well. "I don't know," she said honestly. "This is bad huh?"

"I mean I could fix it," he said, sounding uninterested in the task, "but honestly, your car isn't worth what I would have to put into it."

"Right," Hannah said, silently trying to figure out if she could afford a new car. Or a used car. Or anything. It looked like moving wasn't really an option anymore. Where the hell would she get the money if she had to sink all her savings into a new vehicle?

"I'm sorry, babe," he said, and sounded like he genuinely meant it, "want me to drive you to your mom's or anything?"

"No, no thanks Eric. I can walk."

"Alright," Eric said, standing and walking toward the door.

"Hey, Eric?" she asked in a voice that sounded like pleading.

"Yeah?" he turned back.

"Can you not mention this? I mean I guess you'll have to say something was wrong, but can you like... not talk about the sabotage thing?" Her voice sounded small and young to her, like she was asking an aunt to not tell her mom that she was drunk when she was sixteen.

Surprise worked its way across his face for a second before it settled back to its easy, severe charm. "No worries, baby, I'll keep your secrets safe."

"Thanks," she said and Eric winked before leaving.

Hannah pulled out her phone, typing quickly.

Hannah: 1:47 PM : Hey, won't be back tomorrow. My car just gave up on me. I am still stuck in Stars Landing.

EM: 1:48 PM : What happened?

Hannah: 1:48 PM: You're driving. Stop texting.

It was only a split second after she sent her text before her phone was ringing. Elliott.
