Page 125 of Spider and the Elf

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While I was sitting on his lap with my back pressed to his front, Eon placed a hand under my chin and turned my head towards, lips instantly finding mine.

I let out a sound of delight, eyes falling shut as he kissed me softly, sweetly, whispering his affection for me with only his lips and tongue.


Later that night, I asked Eon if we could visit the Market in the land of Fairies. I needed to find more clothes since I didn’t bring any with me, which meant I had to wear the ones I had on when I’d arrived. Eon helped me clean them earlier; I washed them, and then he dried them by increasing his body temperature enough for me to see the heatwaves as he placed his palms in front of my clothes. I couldn’t stop staring, and my obvious fascination pleased him.

We’d both filled our stomachs separately, me eating more than him due to Spiders not needing to feed more than once per day. Eon said he could go without eating for a few days—one week at most—but the more he waited, the worse things would become. He said his violent tendencies, especially En’s, would become harder to control.

Since he was born in a Cyrva’s body—En’s body—Eon was the dominant personality, the one in control most of the time. I didn’t understand what that meant, and he laughed, tugging on my hair before placing his lips on my forehead, lingering and making my ears twist.

“How does it work?” I asked him as we walked to the portals, clinging close because his warmth and the sense of safety he made me feel were addictive. Most of all, I simply liked his proximity. “Where does one go when the other is in control—like you are now?”

Eon gently squeezed my hand that was intertwined with his, our fingers laced together. He slowed his long legs to match the pace of my much shorter legs, even though it looked like he was shuffling.

“When one is in charge, the other goes to the back of our mind and sees things from the other’s perspective.” When he saw my frown, he chuckled and explained, “En is in the back of my mind right now, seeing things through my eyes. But he has his own mind and his own thoughts, and he is hardly ever quiet.” His voice turned a little bitter as he expelled a heavy sigh. “He gives me headaches most of the time.”

I froze in place. Eon paused and turned to me, arching a brow. Heat rushed up my face, and I opened and closed my mouth, stammering to gather my thoughts.

“When… when En and I mated, did you… did you see?”

Eon’s eyes hardened. “When you’re intimate with one of us, Kenia, you’re only with one of us. En and I are both greedy and possessive, but he’s worse about… sharing.”

My chest eased, and I inhaled a long, deep breath. “But you said you see things from each other’s eyes?”

“Only when we’re in partial control,” he said, tugging me closer by our interlinked hands, bringing his other up to cup my small face. “When he stopped me yesterday, he shut me out and locked me in a dark, quiet place in his mind. I didn’t see or hear anything, not until he was distracted enough for me to overpower again. It’s easy for En and I to slip into each other’s minds, unless one of us wants to be completely alone.”

“And that happens?” I frowned, staring up at him as he caressed my face. “You leave each other alone?”

Eon shrugged, then tugged me along with him to resume our walk to the portals. “Sometimes.”

“But you control his body most of the time.” I tilted my head, studying him. “I can understand how he can grow agitated and… upset.”

How he could feel caged and smothered, and why when he was with me, he wanted to be fully alone and fully in charge.

The Fairies’ Market was as lively as I remembered, colourful lights scattered about. The laughter didn’t lessen despite it being late at night. The air smelled divine, scented with snacks and flowers and warm, sugary sweetness that made me tip forward on my toes.

I grinned, a bubble of excitement growing in me as I leaned closer to my mate, my thin arms curling around his thicker one. Glancing up, I found him watching me with a small smile. My ears curled under my hair at the sweet expression directed my way, my grin stretching wider until it became toothy.

I was buzzing with energy, and it was making his soft smile widen, and I was happy becauseIwas making himsmile.

My eyes darted away from his, scanning the Market before my eyes stopped on one particular stall.

“Can we go there, please?” I asked, one of my hands rushing to point to the stall I was referring to. I looked back at him, finding that he hadn’t bothered to see where I was pointing.

Eon’s smile didn’t falter. He lowered his head and lightly knocked it against mine. “Whatever you want.”

The Fairy running the stall had an assortment of female clothing, all so delicate and pretty. My eyes snagged on a few long skirts and dresses, and I fidgeted when I remembered my legs were still bare. It hadn’t ever bothered me before, but things were different now.

I didn’t appreciate the way the Fairy stared at my mate. She eyed him like he was the best prize she could obtain in the entire universe, and it irked me. She didn’t eye him with desire, no. It was different. I couldn’t explain it, but I still didn’t like it.

What I also didn’t enjoy was the way she stared atus.

I more than anyone knew we were a strange pair. I had expected the shocked stares and dropped jaws. The double-takes and horrified looks. The hushed whispers. I knew Eon was aware of them as well, but since he didn’t pay them any attention, I decided to do the same.

“Which ones please you?”

With a quick shake of my head, I pointed to the ones that stood out to me: blues, whites, reds, greens, pale pinks, and violets, all floral and pretty and Elf-like.
