Page 55 of Spider and the Elf

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His arms circled around me like vines, his skin becoming a little warmer as he rubbed his face on my chest. He took me with him when he fell back and turned around so that we were side by side, facing each other. His firm, deliberate grip told me he wouldn’t let me move away from him, and I didn’t mind it in the slightest.

Being wrapped in his strong, thick arms like this made it clear, once again, how different we were. He was huge, and I was so small it was almost laughable. But it made me feel safe. Safer than ever, because it felt like nothing could get to me when I was in his arms like this.

His red eyes watched me. Silent, relaxed, content to just bask in each other’s presence and attention. And it was nearly jarring to witness him, a Cyrva Spider, being so… peaceful. Almost mild but not quite because Spiders can never be mild.

A long time passed before I felt the need to talk, to hear his voice.

“Am I right to think you’re not mature yet?” I whispered, blinking languidly because he was so warm, and being wrapped in his strong arms was like being cocooned in a heavy blanket. I snuggled even deeper into him, nuzzling his chest, over where his heart thumped steadily.

His chest vibrated with a hum as he held me closer.

I almost yawned. “If that was a yes, how long do you have?”

“Almost nine decades.”

A little noise of displeasure echoed in my throat. “That’s unfair. I still have a century and a little over half a decade.” I pouted my lips, lightly nipping his chest without much thinking.

Eon huffed a silent, amused sound. “I’ve heard of mates who needed to wait centuries for each other.”

“What?” Wide-eyed, I withdrew my head to look up at him. “That’s a lie. People willingly choose that?”

The Spider narrowed his eyes, but the small tilt to his mouth and his relaxed demeanour told me it was playful. “Are you suggesting I am a liar?”

A lazy smile played at my lips. “I didn’t say anything. You came to that conclusion on your own. Are you a liar, Spider?”

“You play with fire, Elf.”

A laugh bubbled up my throat, shaking my shoulders with mirth. Grinning, I raised a hand and skimmed my fingertips along the sharp edge of his jaw. “Good thing I have the ability to extinguish it, no?”

He smirked before lightly nipping my fingers, too fast for me to react but not alarming enough for me to feel the need to.

“I overheard something interesting at the Market one day.” I snuggled closer to him, keeping my eyes on him. “Is it true that some Cyrva Spiders are blessed with two powers?”

A long pause, red eyes studying me, then he nodded once.

Curiosity lit like a flame inside me. “Do you have another power?”

Eon nodded again, still hesitant, almost like he didn’t want to share a secret.

Excitement made me buzz. I pressed closer, staring up at him with wide, eager eyes. “What is it?”

Another pause before he said, “Wind.”

That explained why he wasn’t as aggressive and vicious as his kind—why he was more playful and tolerant. But to possess the ability to manipulate the wind… He could do so much with it. Spread or even extinguish his fire if he wanted. Clean his land with minimal effort. Keep his enemies away when flames didn’t intimidate them…

When he didn’t want to be noticed.

I studied him with suspicious eyes. A ghost of a smirk played on his lips, as though he knew where my thoughts had turned.

My lips parted in incredulous shock. “That wasyou?!When I was cleaning myself in the water and the wind kept bothering me!”

The Spider snickered, his eyes sparkling. “I made an effort to warn you.”

“I had no idea someone was around me!” I shrieked.

“Not my problem.”

I huffed but said nothing. I couldn’t, not when he had revealed so much about himself. This was the most expressive I had seen him. Usually, he was calm and collected, but tonight he’d graced me with so many reactions and words that pulled me towards him deeper and deeper.
