Page 97 of Rough Score

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He pulls me in further and then closes the bathroom door, sliding the thin metal lock across the door to keep everyone out.

“Ryker, what has gotten into you, and what if someone needs to use the restroom?”

“They can piss outside. The drive home will take too long.” He barely gets the words out before he turns to me, cupping my face in his hands, his warm full lips descending onto mine and sealing our mouths together in a kiss more possessive than any kiss he’s given me before.

I grip onto his wrists on either side of my face as he backs me up against the bathroom sinks. He lifts me up and sets my ass on the bathroom counter, not breaking our connection for a second as his tongue demands entry between my lips.

The smell of his spicy deodorant, mixed with the sweat from today's tournament, and the taste of the IPA beer he was drinking, floods my senses with him and only him.

My thighs open and he steps between them, pulling my ass toward him, and plastering me hard against his erection.

“You’re beautiful, Juliet… so fucking beautiful,” he says between his kisses. “And seeing someone think they can take you from me drives me fucking insane.”

Hearing him say those words… that someone taking me from him is an unbearable thought, warms my body all over. Wet heat dampens my panties at how he wants me.

“He couldn’t take me from you. I wouldn’t have gone,” I assure him against his mouth, lifting my hands to run through his hair, gripping tight to pull his mouth closer to mine.

I wasn’t done with that kiss out on the dance floor and I don’t think he was either. Having this moment with him is all I want, though I wish we were back at his house in the suburbs instead of in the boys’ bathroom.

But that won’t stop me for letting him take whatever he wants from me right now … and I hope it's everything.

I can feel his hard cock between us as I begin to rock against him.

He growls at the friction as he pushes harder against me, dominating my mouth as he shows me how he’d fuck me if we didn’t have clothing between us.

“I need to get inside you, Juliet. I need to have you,” he begs. “Right now.”

A shiver cascades down my back at his admission.

“I need to know that you’re mine,” he says against my lips.

“I am yours,” I say. “Until this is over, I’m only yours.”

The idea of this being over in a matter of two years is a painful thought but that conversation can be had another time. I don’t want to veer away from what's happening between us. I don’t want to break this spell that’s come over him.

I love that he wants me so badly that he couldn’t wait one more minute. And that the drive home would take too long, though it couldn’t be more than twenty minutes.

Right now, all I want is for Ryker to do what he’s begging me for. To take me against the bathroom counter and show me who I belong to.

I’m desperate for him and he’s the only one that can satisfy this craving to be overtaken until I’m gasping for oxygen and pleading for release.

“I couldn’t fucking think when I saw him sitting next to you. How the hell am I going to survive seeing you with someone else when you leave me in two years?” he asks.

He's struggling with this too. I want to tell him to toss out the agreement, that this feels as real as he told me it should, but that conversation shouldn’t be had in the men’s bathroom of a bar while we’re dry humping on the countertop.

“Don’t think about that right now. Just be with me. Stay in the moment.”

I tug his hair tighter, bringing him as close as physically possible, but there’s no way for us to get any closer, not without him burying his hard cock inside of me.

A loud thud echoes inside the bathroom. And I instantly grip onto Ryker tighter, flashing a look at the door to make sure it didn’t open.

An unsuspecting bargoer is trying to use the restroom.

“Bathroom closed for cleaning. Go outside,” Ryker yells, and then his mouth descends back on me, working his way down my neck.

His hands release my jaw and clutch the hem of my shirt.

I’m reluctant to suggest going home but I feel a little guilty taking up the bathroom when people are three beers deep.
