Page 98 of Griz Rides Tall

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“I don’t think so,” Kate said.

“That’s so sad,” Becca said. “I mean it, we really should check in on him.”

“Well,” Kate said, “he appears to have immediately fallen in love with you, so I think you’re obligated, now.”

They approached the car. Griz and Wyatt were both smoking and leaned up against the vehicle, and on seeing them approach, the two men straightened up with expectant looks on their faces.

“Everything okay?” Griz said.

“Everything’s fine. I don’t know what you were making such a big deal about,” Becca said. “He’s nice. You just have to know how to talk to him.”

“Apparently,” Griz said.

“How did you know to talk to him about Star Wars?” Wyatt said.

“Uh, he was wearing a T-shirt that looks like Boba Fett’s armor,” Becca said. “Duh.”

“Who?” Kate said.

“Boba… he’s a Star Wars guy. Let’s just go,” Becca said, rolling her eyes and whispering to Griz, “she doesn’t know athingabout Star Wars.”


While Benny was at work on the phones, they still had to move forward with the cartel deal. There was still a giant question mark surrounding the whole thing, since Ripper’s motives were uncertain, so Griz wanted to make sure he bounced as many of his ideas off of his friends as he could.

The clubhouse seemed like the best place for the meeting. Jocko was out in the bar, entertaining a pair of ladies who couldn’t seem to keep their hands off of him, but by the looks of it, he wouldn’t be peeking his head into the meeting room any time soon.

That worked out fine for Griz. Not that he didn’t trust Jocko. But right now, not knowing where Ripper stood, he wanted to keep his circle small. He didn’t want anyone else to get pulled into a possible power struggle inside of the club. Better he keep his concerns to himself, in case his suspicions were unwarranted and Ripper was still solid.

He only wanted to include those people who would be directly involved with tonight’s meeting with the cartel. That meant Wyatt, of course, along with Devil.

He included Pony, as well. The prospect had been along with them on their doomed drive-by attempt down in the city, and Griz’s instincts were that he was solid. No way Ripper might have whispered the wrong kind of words into his ear.

The four of them stayed in the clubhouse meeting room, leaving Jocko to his female distractions in the bar. Once all four of them were there, they started working out the details for how the night was going to go.

“Why does Ripper want you doing this deal?” Wyatt said. “He’s the one with the giant hard-on for this cartel thing to happen.”

“He says it’s so that I’ll see that I can trust him,” Griz said. “That if I’m in charge of the deal, if it starts to look like something bad for the club, I can say no.”

“That makes sense, I guess,” Devil said. “If we’re worried that Ripper might make a deal that’s bad for the club, and he hands off ownership of the deal, that should get rid of our concerns.”

“Maybe,” Griz said.

“You don’t think so?”

“I don’t know what to think,” Griz said. “That’s why I wanted you guys here. To go over everything, and make sure that I’m not missing something that’s in a blind spot for me.”

“So fill me in on what Ripper told you about the deal,” Wyatt said.

“The cartel wants to meet tonight,” Griz said, spreading a map out on the table. “The location is out in the middle of nowhere, this open field off a dirt road.”

“Do you know the spot?” Wyatt said.

“Not really,” Griz said, indicating on the map where the meet was supposed to take place. “Do you?”

“No,” Wyatt said.

“Oh, shit, I do,” Devil said.
