Page 137 of Burn It Down

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“Copy that, I’m sending my people to you on the north side. Aaron and Liv, move in on the west. Aurora, Jonah, and Smooth-Talker, proceed as planned via the east, I’ve got movement coming in. More masks. Reinforcements.”

We all responded with confirmations.

My dad had already managed to access the roof and he was pulling lookout and sniper duty from that vantage point.

So far the Heretics had breached the house and taken out exterior security. We could hear shots and yells coming from inside, but with my dad spotting more masks incoming, it meant they were having trouble securing the house.

That was what I was going with as the trees rustled a moment later just as we reached the east side of the house.

A dozen masks broke through and rushed toward us.

Chaos erupted in moments, the three of us fanning out to block their assault so they couldn’t get into the house and make things more difficult for Asher and the rest of the team.

I spun out of the way as one of the masks tried to lunge at me, then swept my boot into their gut as they overshot me. They doubled over and I was there slamming my fist into their back, then sweeping their legs out from under them. As they collapsed onto the grass, I knocked them out with a kick to the side of the head.

I saw Jonah doing his tank move of throwing his arms out either side and slamming two opponents down on the ground in one go. And then Killian was in the middle between us kicking back one opponent, then delivering a brutal uppercut to another in front of him, bringing his boxing fighting style to the table.

Footsteps sounded behind me and I spun just in time to bring my arm down and deflect an attempted hit. They tried again and I snatched their wrist, then twisted sharply, a scream tearing through the night as I heard a sharp crack. I leapt up and executed a spinning kick that sent them crashing into the side of the mansion, the impact knocking them out in the process.

Two more advanced on me and I readied my stance.

They both ran at me at the same time.

I caught the first one and used their momentum against them to spin them around and haul them toward Killian.

“Incoming!” I called out.

He turned just in time to grab hold of them and wrestle them down to the floor, capturing them in a chokehold.

As he choked them out, I knocked back the other one with a push kick.

Before I could do much else, a shot rang out.

I heard a grunt from Killian and terror slid down my spine when I saw him staggering back, slapping his hand to his chest and wheezing.

He’d been hit!

I reacted on instinct, rushing toward him.

As I bolted over there, I saw Jonah notice, his worry mirroring mine, but he was bogged down by three masks, unable to do anything.

It didn’t matter, I was there in the next moment, skidding to my knees beside Killian who was now on his knees too wheezing and pulling at his tactical jacket.

“Oh my God,” I cried, touching the area frantically.

Blood. There was no blood.

He grasped my hand. “I’m fine. Just winded. And bruised.” He pulled his jacket aside enough for me to see his vest beneath and a bullet caught there.

“Shit. Thank fuck,” I choked, stroking his hair.

Hold on. Why was that the only bullet that had been fired.

What was—

Something slammed into me, ripping me from Killian.

He bellowed out to me, but it was too late, as I was brutally slammed up against the side of the house, then forced around to face a mask who then grabbed my wrists and slammed them above my head, capturing them with one hand.
