Page 15 of Dragon Heat

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“That’s what my father says.” He was a little stung to hear her opinion on the matter.

“It’s important to you?”

He nodded, lacing his hands together.

“Well then, I suppose that’s what matters, then?” Her hand slid over his.

He looked up into her apologetic expression. She squeezed his hand and let go.

“What of you?”

“I’m a guardian.”

“I should have figured that out.” He grinned.

She smiled and her whole face changed. It was such a genuine smile.

His heart flipped over and his breath went elsewhere.

She looked softer and almost impish when she wasn’t stern and scowling.

His fingers twitched, wanting to touch her skin and her wild hair.

Something shifted between them. Her hand slid over his again and her eyes were on his mouth.

He leaned in. He wanted to kiss her for real this time.

Kymri’s hand slid over Jori’s, enjoying the feel of the strong muscle beneath the tanned and tattooed skin. Her eyes fixed on his full lips and she wondered if his beard would be soft.

He leaned toward her and her breath stalled.

Earlier she’d been so distracted when his lips had brushed across hers, and it had caught her by surprise.

Now, she was attentive. Waiting.

She watched his face inch closer, his eyes on her mouth. Her tongue darted out in anticipation and he closed the distance.

Eyes closed, she reveled in the sensation of his soft lips moving over hers and his facial hair on her skin. Soft and scratchy all at once.

After a moment, his tongue tested her lips. Desire shot down through to her belly. Her lips opened to him; her hands slid up his forearms. He closed the gap between them, pulling her against him, leaving no doubt about his reciprocated desire for her. She groaned as he deepened the kiss and her hands had somehow worked their way up into his hair. One of his large hands cupped her face so she couldn’t escape, the other spanned the small of her back, keeping her pressed against him.

He eventually broke the kiss, resting his forehead on hers as they caught their breath, his rough thumb stroked the delicate flesh between her lower lip and her chin.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed so that she barely heard him.

The sounds of the ocean crashing on the beach around them matched the rushing of her pulse.

“Stay with me.”

Kymri leaned back enough to search his face. It was full of desire and familiar longing. She drew in a deep breath, scenting his musk, letting it infuse her so that it would never leave her memory.

She nodded, “For a little while.”

Jori lowered his head to touch her lips again and her chest filled with the sweetness of it. Her fingers slid along his jaw and he caught her hand, kissing her fingertips once he released her lips, keeping their hands entwined as he pulled her toward the beach, “Let’s walk a bit. Talk.”

She smiled as shyness suddenly swept through her. She felt as ridiculously giddy as a developing youngling.

They walked the beach until the light dimmed. There was less talking than intended, as they needed to stop every now and then to kiss again.
