Page 39 of Dragon Heat

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We can also be mothers and mates.

It’s too complicated. They won’t accept what I want.

Make them.


Prove to them it can work. It did at one time.

Until it didn’t anymore—that’s how we’re in this situation in the first place.

Yes, but it doesn’t have to stay this way forever.

Kymri snorted. Have you met the Council?

I was semi-dormant, not dead. I am well aware of the past and current situation on this island. Listen to me. It’s time for change. Other dragons will support this.

Are you telling me to revolt against the Council and the queen?

No. I’m telling you to talk to them and find reasons to see this alternative path.

You’re telling me to become a politician and a diplomat.

If necessary.

Kymri groaned. This is what her mother wanted.

She isn’t wrong.

I don’t want this. You just told me to figure out what I wanted, and now you’re telling me to do something I really don’t want to do.

She could feel her dragon shrug.

Kymri growled.

Her dragon chuckled. Welcome to the next phase of your life, little one.

It sucks.


Chapter 11

Stenlen and his wingmen were out again.

“We’ll find the damned island if it kills us,” he growled.

“Not looking forward to the repercussions if we don’t,” Merwin said.

“The king expects results. And if we want to maintain our status, we have to produce results.”

His job was to find the females. That was fine by him. He liked the chase.

He didn’t like having his time wasted, so long as his efforts produced results, then it was all good.

“I can’t believe we lost that little bitch, Sten, it doesn’t make any sense, we had her,” Clive complained.

Following her original trajectory, they soared in a large arc trying to pick up a scent.
