Page 57 of Echoes of the Past

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My mind is too rattled to think straight on the way home. I’m too angry to even ask Conrad about his day. We arrive home to find the front door unlocked and my laptop open on the dining table. I password-protected my laptop, but a computer expert could easily hack into it. Checking the Internet browser’s history, the last page opened was from this morning, when I ordered my favorite brand of coffee local stores don’t carry from Amazon. I may have forgotten to close the laptop, but I most certainly did not leave the front door unlocked. A shiver travels down my spine as I click on Fry’s number.

“Were you by any chance at the cottage this morning?” I ask when he answers.

“No. You asked me not to enter the premises when you’re away. Perhaps your new boyfriend let himself in. I saw the segment on the news last night. I have a reputation to uphold, Julia. I don’t need any scandals.”

“Neither do I, Fry. I pay you money to rent this place. What I do while I’m living here is none of your business,” I say and hang up on him.

Over lunch, Conrad says, “All the kids are talking about you being on TV with Caroline’s dad last night.” Fortunately, he appears more interested in his ham sandwich than the rumors about Will and me.

I pick at the lettuce in my salad without taking a bite. “Does that bother you?”

“Nah. Why should it? Mister Will is super cool.” He grins at me before sinking his teeth into his sandwich.

“The photographs of me on television present a problem. The boogeymen might figure out where we are. We may have to move again.”

“No!” he shouts as tears fill his eyes. “I don’t wanna move, Mommy. I love it here. I want to live at the beach forever.”

Seeing his devastated face makes my heart crumble into pieces. This year has been grueling for him. Making him move again hardly seems fair. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. I left the house in a fog of sleep this morning, having only had a few sips of coffee. Maybe I forgot to lock the door. Realistically, the cartel could not have found me so quickly anyway.

While Conrad plays with his new Lego kit, I go outside to the porch with a cup of tea to sort out my thoughts. I want to believe Will. Is he telling the truth about his in-laws pressuring police to arrest him? Or do the police have evidence that he killed his wife? I can’t imagine Will hurting anyone, let alone murdering his wife. Then again, I never imagined Grady trafficking women and children. Thanks to that reporter, I’m smack in the middle of the investigation. The moms in the carpool line videoed Ellie accusing me of sleeping with Will prior to his wife’s death. What if those social media posts go viral? What if the police bring me in for questioning? They’ll want to know my whereabouts over the summer. If I tell them I was in Witness Protection awaiting my husband’s trial for human trafficking, my cover will be blown.

As much as it saddens me, I have no choice but to put as much distance as possible between Will Darby and me. I send him a text. I’m sorry, Will. Considering the circumstances, I don’t think we should see each other anymore.



I wait until the cleaning crew leaves before making my final inspection of the Mathesons’ house. The owners are arriving tomorrow with their first moving truck of furniture, and I want to make sure everything is in order for them. I’m sad to see this project come to an end. I will miss the incredible views.

Making certain the doors are locked, I leave the house for the final time. I’m headed to my truck when a silver Tahoe pulls into the driveway. The vehicle screeches to a halt and Detective Marlowe jumps out. “There you are! You’re a difficult man to track down.”

“Ha! Ethan Striker doesn’t think so.”

Marlowe moans. “What a jerk. I seriously question that guy’s ethics.”

“What’s up, Detective? I assume you’re not here on a social call.”

“I’m not here in a professional capacity today.” Marlowe takes in the house. “Wow. That’s some house. Who lives here?"

“No one at the moment. A couple from New England built it as their retirement home. They’re driving down with their first load of furniture this weekend.”

“Is there somewhere we can talk?”

“Sure! Follow me,” I say and lead him around to the pool.

Marlowe shields his eyes as he looks out over the expanse of water, the ocean on his right and the sound to the left. “This place is amazing. The view is spectacular.”

“Isn’t it? I was just thinking how much I’m going to miss working here.”

We walk around the pool and sit down on the steps leading to the beach. “I’m curious, Marlowe. Why are you here, if not in a professional capacity?”

“I’ve been relieved of my duties at Water’s Edge Police Department.”

My eyes widen. “You mean they fired you?”

“Yep. I defended you until the bitter end, and now I’m here to warn you. Prepare yourself, Will. They are coming after you.”

“Wait a minute. Are you saying they fired you because of me?”
