Page 87 of Echoes of the Past

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“So how do you suggest we go after Rourke?” I ask, twirling spaghetti noodles around my fork.

The table listens with rapt attention as Marlowe outlines his plan. I’m against it at first, as his scheme places Julia in danger. But with further discussion, I realize it’s the only way.

As the red wine flows, the conversation turns to more pleasant topics. Delilah, in her southern drawl with her dry sense of humor, charms us with escapades from her illustrious career. Marlowe appears quite taken with her, and more than once she flashes him a dazzling smile. Neither have ever been married. These two would make an impressive match—the detective and the investigative journalist.

Over apple crumble and coffee, we return our attention to the situation at hand.

“Time is of the essence,” Marlowe says. “We need to speak with Julia as soon as possible. Since meeting with her in person isn’t an option, we should set up a video conference.”

“No time like the present,” Carter says. “I have a clean laptop with me.”

Marlowe looks over at me. “Text her, please. See if she’s available.”

“Sure.” I thumb off the text, informing her of the Zoom call and warning her not to agree to their scheme if she has any reservations.



Four sets of eyes stare out at me from the desktop computer. Their gazes are intense. They are committed to helping me. But when they lay out their plan, my gut turns to stone, and rivulets of sweat trail down my back.

“What about my son? I won’t put Conrad’s life in danger.”

“I’m going to ask Ashton and Sully to take all three kids to Charleston for the weekend. They can stay in Sully’s apartment,” Will says.

“What if they’re not available?” I ask.

“I’ll think of something else. But you have my word, Conrad will be out of harm’s way.” Will’s genuine smile offers the reassurance I need.

“How will you lure Rourke here?”

“That part’s easy,” Marlowe says. “Rourke has given explicit instructions that he is to be notified if and when you resurface. Delilah, pretending to be a concerned neighbor, will notify the police of suspicious activity at the Mathesons’ house, a possible intruder who matches your description.”

I consider this strategy. “That could work. I wasn’t aware you can use evidence obtained via a wire in court.”

“If we get a judge to issue a court order, we can,” Marlowe says. “I’ve been texting with Jimmy Riley, the detective who lost his promotion to Rourke. He’s eager to get involved in the case. He’s also willing to recruit some officers as backup while the operation is going down.”

The hair on the back of my neck bristles. “Operation? As in a sting operation? This all sounds too risky for me.”

Marlowe lets out a sigh. “I won’t lie to you, Julia. It is risky. But you won’t be alone. I’ll be hidden inside the house within earshot. If anything goes wrong, I’ll intervene.”

My throat tightens. “But what if I freak out and give myself away?”

Delilah chimes in, “We’ll draft a script, and I’ll coach you. We’ll keep it simple, so you won’t mess up.”

“Take some time to think about it,” Marlowe says. “But not too long. The clock is ticking.”

Will winks at me. “Hang in there. I’ll call you back after everyone leaves, and we’ll talk some more,” he says, and the foursome vanishes from the computer screen.

I pace a hole in the hardwood and chew two fingernails down to the quick while I wait for Will to call me back. When my phone finally rings at almost ten o’clock, I snatch it up and accept the call.

“What do you think, Will? Should I do this? It seems so dangerous.”

“I can’t answer that. This has to be your decision. If you decide to go through with it, Ashton has agreed to take the kids to Charleston. I had a long talk with her just now. That’s why it took me so long to call you back. She and Sully want to help. Carter and a team of his best investigators will provide protection for them for the entire weekend, from the moment they leave Water’s Edge.”

“That makes me feel a little better, I guess.”

“I’ve been racking my brain, Julia. I can’t think of another way.”
