Page 35 of Frank

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“He’s not going to want a ready-made family,” I muttered, then added, “Besides, I’m happy with my life like it is. I’ve got Charlie and that’s all I need.”

“You know what would make me happy?” Jess asked.

“A fifth of scotch and a pack of batteries?” I deadpanned.

“Ha. Ha. Ha,” Jess scoffed. “No. I want you to be happy, Claudia. You’ve had the hots for Frank for as long as I can remember. Only you’re too damn chickenshit to do anything about it. Oh, don’t get me wrong. You’ve got balls of steel, but when it comes to your love life, you cower behind your scrubs. It’s time to retire your vibrator and ride Frank’s monster cock off into the sunset.”

“He doesn’t even notice me, Jess. Every time he sees me, he looks the other way.”

“Oh, he notices you. Only you’re too blind to see it. He’s not Gareth, Claudia.”

I flat-out refused to even think about that selfish horse’s ass. My one time at trying to have it all backfired so horrendously, I still had the marks on my back to prove it.

Gareth Hoskins was a doctor like me. Only he specialized in neurosurgery. The fact was, Gareth was a narcissistic asshole who thought his shit didn’t stink. But what most didn’t know was that behind closed doors, the man was nothing more than a bully. If I had seen the signs quicker, I could have saved myself a shitload of trouble.

Shaking my head, I muttered, “It doesn’t matter because I’ve got bigger problems.”

“What do you mean?”

Reaching into my pocket, I placed a pregnancy test between us. “Frank came into the office to see me today. He had a checkup for that accident he and Henley were in. Well, we got to talking and he said he didn’t use protection that night. After he left, I took that.”

“Are you shitting me?” Jess gasped, picking up the stick. “Claudia?”

Rubbing my hands down my face, I moaned. “I know. I went from no kids to two in a month.”

“You have to tell him!”

“Oh no I don’t. He remembers nothing about that night, and we are going to keep it that way. Promise me, Jessica. My plate is already full. I can’t add him to the mix. I’ll lose my mind.”

“He has the right to know, Claudia. What are you going to say when the kid comes out looking just like him?”

“I’ll worry about that when the time comes. Right now, all I can concentrate on is Charlie and making sure the adoption goes smoothly. CPS is coming by next week for the home inspection.”

“Everything will work out, Lidi. Have faith,” Jess muttered, looking at her phone again.

“How are things back home?”

Jess shrugged. “No clue. Lucas hasn’t texted. You know I left this life because I didn’t want to have to deal with all the drama. Don’t get me wrong, I love Lucas and the Golden Skulls, but this shit with the Satan’s Angels has gotten way out of hand.”

Several nights ago, Jess showed up at the compound with some of the ladies from the Golden Skulls asking her uncles for a place to stay after half of the club took off to find Sandman.

Of course, King happily offered accommodations.

Since then, the Sons of Hell have had more women than brothers running around and that’s not including the kids. The place was total mayhem. To add to the chaos, Scribe’s Valentine wedding to Henley was in a few weeks.

While I was happy my closest friend was here to help me, I didn’t like seeing her so worried.

“Have you tried calling him?”

“No.” She sighed, placing her phone on my coffee table. “He’s got a lot on his plate right now. I don’t want to bother him.”

“Have you told Lucas you’re pregnant again?”

Jess smirked. “I’ll tell Lucas when you tell Frank.”

Chapter Twelve

