Page 97 of Frank

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“Little lady, is this true?” Judge Tomlinson asked, turning to the TV screen.

Fiona nodded. “Yes, Sir. I knew she could give my son a loving and happy life.”

“And where is Dr. James?”

Getting to my feet, I said, “My wife was called back to the hospital, Your Honor. There was an emergency with a patient.”

“I heard that you recently married Dr. James, Mr. Steiner.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“So, I am assuming you want to adopt the infant too?”

“Yes, Sir. I already consider him my son.”

“I see” the judge said when King jumped to his feet, then rushed from the courtroom with Gunner and Pyro hot on his heels. Looking at Scribe, he shrugged his shoulders in confusion, as Bailey gasped, her eyes pooling with tears.

Before I could ask her anything, she too, left the courtroom.

“Someone want to tell me what in the hell is going on?” the judge yelled, getting everyone’s attention. However, before I could say anything, I heard, “You want to know what the hell is going on, mister, then I will tell you!”

“Cameron!” I gasped, reaching for the little sneak as he ran right up to the judge.

“Cameron,” Scribe growled.

“This shit is taking too long,” the brat snipped angrily. “I’m tired of sitting in those hard-ass chairs. My butt hurts and that mean lady took my Gameboy before I walked in here. Instead of being at the hospital with Trip, I’m stuck here listening to all of you talk about shit I don’t understand. If none of you are manly enough to say what needs to be said, then I will. Charlie is mine. My best friend, and he’s coming home with me. Frank said so. He may be little, but he’s mine. He’s gonna need me to show him manly ways. It’s stuff only I can show him.”

“You see, Judge, there are too many Bettys in the club. Everywhere I turn, they just pop up and don’t leave. And now most of the Bettys have babies in their bellies and no one will tell me how they got there. I can’t take any more of it. I need Charlie to help me even everything out. A man needs a brother, Judge. I’ve only got my sissy, but Charlie is my brother ‘cause I claimed him. I’m gonna be the big brother and it’s my job to protect him, and then that got me thinking...”

“I’m listening, young man.”

“Well, you see, I was thinking if I had a pet, I wouldn’t be so worried about all the Bettys, but my sissy says I’m not responsible enough yet, but Frank says I am responsible with Charlie. With Charlie and I being the only boys, we need something to protect, to take care of, but it’s not easy being seven years old and responsible, too.”

“That’s true, young man. Responsibility is a hard job.” Judge Tomlinson grinned.

“But I can do it, Judge. I know I can. I’m the smartest boy in my class. I help everyone in the club, and I’m good with Charlie and he’s still a baby, not a pet. So, you gotta let me take Charlie home. How am I gonna get a pet if Charlie isn’t around so I can show my sissy that I’m responsible?”

“And what kind of pet do you want, young man?”

“A dog. Every boy needs a dog, right?”

“That’s true. A boy’s best friend is his dog.”

“See!” Cameron smiled, looking at the courtroom. “The judge gets it.”

“What is your name, young man?”

“Cameron. Cameron Hobbs, Sir,” Cameron said, puffing up his little chest.

“John, write this young man’s name down. I foresee him in my courtroom often.”

The bailiff chuckled. “Oh, trust me, Judge. I don’t think anyone will forget Cameron Hobbs.”

Walking over to my little buddy, I didn’t wait for anyone to tell me before I picked him up and walked back to our seat.

“I think I’ve heard enough,” the judge said before stating, “I’m granting the adoption of Charlie James Steiner to Franklin Steiner and Dr. Claudia James Steiner. Regarding Fiona Mitchell, she will be remanded into the State of—”

“Hold it right there, Judge!” my Granny shouted, walking into the courtroom with her team of lawyers. “That little girl is going home with me, and I dare you to say otherwise.”
