Page 64 of Wolf Betrayed

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He was quiet for a moment, then he sniffled and then cleared his throat. “I’m going to text you some directions to a house that we will meet you at.”


The phone buzzed, and a bubble popped up with a new text message. I opened it and pulled up the address. It would take us just over an hour to get there.

I peered over at the driver’s console and looked at the miles left until our gas tank would be empty, then the miles it would take us to get to the house. We should be able to make it with a couple of miles to spare.

My dad sounded muffled when he spoke again. “We will be almost two hours. Wait there for us and keep your eyes peeled.”

I closed my eyes. My dad and mom had always come through for us, no matter what. “We will be there, and we’ll be careful.”

“Good. I’ll see you soon. I love you, Sloane.”

Tears pricked my eyes. “I love you too, Daddy.”

I didn’t usually call him Daddy, not since I was a girl, but after everything that had happened, it made me think back to all the times he had been there for me, picking up the pieces when things fell apart.

The phone went dead. I put a hand over my mouth to keep it from trembling. We were almost there.

I set the phone down on the center console and rested the back of my head on the headrest.

Lincoln patted my thigh a few times before resting his palm there. “It’s all going to be okay now.”

I sighed as I slumped down in the seat.

My eyes grew heavy, and they slid shut. I tried to force them open, but they refused to cooperate. I yawned. It couldn’t hurt to rest for just a moment.

The moment turned into the entire car ride. I woke to Lincoln shaking me gently.

“Sweetheart, we’re here. Wake up.”

I blinked my eyes open. Lincoln was so close. His pine scent washed over me, and I leaned closer, breathing him in.

He pushed the hair out of my face. “Sloane?”

“Huh? What?” I asked, still trying to catch my bearings and wake up.

Lincoln chuckled and pointed. “We’re here, sweetheart.”

I turned in the direction he was pointing. There was a large, two-story old Victorian in front of us. Some of the white paint was chipping off the siding, and a blue shutter hung sideways on the front window by the door.

I’d seen this house before in a picture. It was the house my mom grew up in as a child. She still owned the property and paid to maintain it even though she lived with my dad on our lands now. Her brother, Erica’s dad, had owned it until he passed away. He and my aunt were killed in a horrific crash on the interstate. His death had left Erica without parents and the pack without an alpha. My mom’s old pack merged with us, and now called my father alpha.

Mom talked about this place all the time. She wanted to come here to fix it up, but there had never been time.

Lincoln opened his door and turned back to me a worried expression on his face. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

I undid my seat belt and got out, marveling at the house I’d heard so many stories about. “It’s my mom’s old pack house. I’ve never been here before.”

He narrowed his eyes and glanced around. “What do you say we check it out? Your dad is still about an hour out.”

I shut my car door and bit my lip before skipping toward the front door. I bounded up the front steps and lifted the flowerpot off the stand so I could grab the key.

“You sure you have never been here before?” Lincoln asked from behind me.

I laughed as I unlocked the front door. “My mom talks about this place all the time. I feel like I’ve been here before.”

I pushed the door, and it creaked open slowly. I crossed over the threshold. Whoever was maintaining the place was doing a good job. It was clean and neat with no dust.
