Page 126 of Unbreakable Bond

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“You’re thoughtful. You refuse to close the shower curtain. You fall asleep with the television on and love leaving cabinets open for some odd reason. You’re a pain in my ass, but you’re my best friend. You push me to be the best version of myself. Most of all, dependable.” Solana’s eyes were captivated by the waves crashing against the sand. “They say girls always marry men like their fathers, but I married you despite that. You’re nothing like him.”

“Aww!” I wiped away the fake tear that made her chuckle.

“You play too much. How did it go at your parents’ house?”

“I told them we got married.”

“How did they take it?” She asked nervously.

“I don’t know. They’re in shock, I guess, but I didn’t bring you out here to talk about them.”

“How can we not? They’re my family now, too.”

“They are, but this family trumps mine and yours.”

“I see what you did there.”

“I’m just making sure you know,” I winked at Solana as the chef brought our food to the table.

I don’t know if Solana was a mermaid in her past life or what, but she loved everything about the ocean, including seafood. It was her favorite, so it was only right that I included it on the menu tonight.

As we savored each bite, I couldn't help but steal glances at Solana, her eyes reflecting the moonlight like a universe of shared dreams. The conversation flowed effortlessly, a testament to the connection we'd built. Then, amidst the gentle murmur of the ocean, I felt the time was right.

I reached into my pocket, brushing my fingers against the velvet box. Solana looked at me curiously until she saw the box, and her eyes widened. Inside was a dazzling diamond ring, a symbol of the love that had only deepened since our spontaneous wedding.

“Oh my God!”

“I don’t know what made me suggest getting married that night. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was the liquor that gave me the courage to even bring it up. No matter what state I’m in, I always want you by my side. Will you continue being my forever dance partner, my confidante, and the keeper of my heart?”

A soft smile graced her lips, and she nodded, the wordless affirmation carrying the weight of a thousand cherished moments.

“Yes!” She squealed, trying to reel back her excitement once it left her mouth. As I slid the ring onto her finger, the sea seemed to echo our joy, and in that picturesque moment, anchored by a symbol that mirrored the enduring beauty of our love. “Oh my God. She’s beautiful!”

“She?” I chuckled. “Are you going to give her a name too?”

“I might.”

Now that Solana had a ring on her finger, she moved from her seat to my lap. Her eyes welled up with emotion as she gazed at the ring.

Despite being already married, I wanted Solana to have the ring she deserved. I looked into her eyes, words of love dancing on my tongue. As long as Solana kept smiling at me like she did tonight, it didn’t matter who was with or against us.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Tonight, Quest was making his first appearance at a family dinner. I honestly had no intention of going, but when Aunt Xora called and asked me to come, I felt obligated. She had been more of a mother to me than my own. It didn’t feel right telling her, no, so I agreed.

Quest watched me in the mirror, giving myself another once-over like I was about to step on a runaway.

“How many times are you going to change?” he asked as I walked to the closet.

“Until I like my outfit,” I sassed, even though Quest didn’t deserve it. I was stressed and wished life had a fast-forward button so I could skip past dinner.

“There’s nothing in that closet that’s going to be good enough. Why are you so nervous about me going to dinner?” Quest asked.

“My family can be a lot, and the last time I saw them, it didn’t go well,” I explained.

Quest stared momentarily before nodding, pulling me into his arms.

“I told you I got you. Do you trust me?”
