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Jeff sidled up to me in the locker room with a grin. All the other guys were being loud and rowdy in the midst of the adrenaline high. Jeff must have talked to Jesse earlier that day because he said quietly, “Ok, it’s official. You and Jamie have to bang before every game now.”

I laughed and shoved him, but instinctively looked around to make sure no one else had heard him, even though I knew Jeff never would have said anything where anyone could hear. Everyone was too wrapped up in their own excitement to pay any attention to us. I didn’t care that he knew, and I knew Jesse was aware of that. Jeff laughed, too, and said, “We’re all going to the bar to celebrate. You coming?”

I couldn’t very well ditch him a second night in a row, even though there were other places I’d rather be. “Yeah. I’ll be there.” He clapped me on the back and headed for the showers.


I tried to pace myself so I wouldn’t come off as clingy, but finally decided to text Jamie from the bar, just in case he was done at work even though it wasn’t even eleven o’clock. I really wanted to see him again. I knew that was probably kind of silly, since we’d spent the entire previous night together and I’d seen him that morning, but it was what it was.

Hey. You still at work?

Only a few seconds passed before I got a text back. Yeah. Come over here and I’ll give you a lap dance. Wink emoji. Well at least, since he was inviting me for a lap dance, he obviously didn’t think I was being too clingy by texting him so soon.

Lol I so wish. The team came out to a bar to celebrate, and I didn’t want to ditch Jeff again. We blew them away. They didn’t even score.

Congrats, babe.

I found that I really liked the pet name. I think you must be my lucky charm.

Haha the charmed ass?

I sent a laughing emoji but then there was a pause in the texts. A minute later he sent me another. Hey, sorry, gotta go. I’m on in two.

I was sad that I couldn’t sit there and text him longer, but I refused to be possessive. Alright talk to you soon.

You bet.

I put my phone back in my pocket and rejoined the celebration. Jeff was looking at me knowingly. “You’re wearing your heart-eyes a little obviously,” he said with a chuckle.

“I don’t care.” They didn’t know who my heart-eyes were for. No one was even paying attention to me, anyway. Well, I realized with a little start, no one besides my ex, Renee. She seemed to have noticed that I was texting someone, probably with a stupid grin on my face the whole time. She looked a little annoyed. I looked away quickly and refused to look back at her. I didn’t want her to come and try to talk to me or ask who I was talking to. I’d met someone I really liked, and he was all I wanted to think about right then.

As the night went on, more of the school had joined us in the celebration, as well as some of the locals who went to all the games. I was getting pats on the back and free drinks all over the place. The bar was packed as the party raged on. I’d had plenty to drink but wasn’t completely drunk. In that moment, I was happy. I’d found someone I really cared about, I was still feeling the high from the most amazing sex I’d ever had, as well as the high from a huge win. My friends didn’t care who I was dating and weren’t treating me any differently. In fact, Caitlin and Jesse had shown up at the bar and asked me where Jamie was. When I told them, they asked if we could sneak out and go to the club. Caitlin wasn’t even mad I’d missed going to the party with her the night before. Everything was going great, and I was feeling better than I ever had.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I was about to go order another drink. I smiled when I saw that it was Jamie again, thinking maybe he was off work. I wondered if I could talk him into coming to see me. But the text said, Hey, are you busy? If you’re still partying, it’s cool. He could have been getting ready to ask any number of things. I wasn’t sure why, but the text caused an icicle to pierce my chest.

I’m still at the bar, but what’s up?

Nothing. It’s all good. I’ll text you tomorrow, ok? Have fun and drink one for me. He added a grin emoji for good measure, but I wasn’t buying it. That was not a casual WYD text, and I could somehow tell.

Jamie?? What’s going on? Please just tell me why you texted. You aren’t bothering me, I swear. All I’ve wanted to do all night is talk to you, anyway.

Lol that’s sweet, Caden, but it’s nothing. Really, I’m fine. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Promise.

I was about to head right to Club Adonis, because I didn’t believe him. He’d texted me for a reason. I tried one more time. Jamie, seriously. I know something’s up. What’s going on? Please?

There was still a hesitation, but he finally texted me back. It will be ok, I promise. Wally just showed up again and gave them a little trouble leaving. They almost called the cops, but they ended up not having to. Tristan is going to go outside with me and check the parking lot, make sure I leave safe. It’s fine. I’ll text you when I get back to my dorm, ok?

I was going to assume that Tristan was the angry bouncer I’d seen the night I was there. But just sweeping the parking lot and watching Jamie leave wasn’t enough for me. That would not ensure his safety on a motorcycle all the way back to his dorm, to which he may be followed. I was going over there. I’d already secured a ride when I texted him back. Please don’t leave yet. I’m coming over there.

Caden, for real. You don’t have to do that. The bouncers are checking for me. Just stay there and enjoy your celebration.

Jamie, do. Not. Leave. I’m begging you right now. There’s something about that guy, I don’t want you to go alone. My ride just pulled up. I’ll be there in seven minutes. Please don’t go outside yet. Please.

I told Jeff I had to go, that it was an emergency. He seemed curious, but he was drunk enough to tell me goodbye without any questions. He said he’d let Caitlin and Jesse know I had to go. I was pretty sure they were off making out with some randos, anyway, and wouldn’t give a rat’s ass where I was. Plus, Jeff would probably forget to tell them as soon as I walked out the door.

Jamie finally texted back. Ok.


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