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I chewed on my nails all the way to the club. The ethereal haze I’d been in since the previous night had dimmed somewhat when the fact that Jamie had a stalker was once again brought to my attention. I didn’t care what anyone else said. There was nothing else to call that guy.

My Uber pulled into the parking lot of the club and stopped near the door. The older guy driving gave me a look that was a little judgmental. I knew I should probably get used to that. At least the driver wasn’t a classmate, and he didn’t seem to recognize me. I ignored the look and thanked him, hopping out of the car and rushing to the door. The same bouncer from the previous weekend stopped me right inside, and I scrambled for my I.D. in a panic.

Before I could get my wallet open, I heard Jamie’s voice from behind him. “Yo, Tristan. That’s him.” Well, that answered that question because I totally didn’t have a little spasm of jealousy when I read Tristan was going to walk him outside and check the parking lot. I mean, obviously I wasn’t jealous because of course Jamie meant security and of course after working there and trusting them to keep him safe from all the groping horndogs, he was on a first-name basis with the bouncers. So, it would have been silly for me to be jealous.

Even so, I was a little relieved at the appreciative look Tristan gave me as he moved aside and motioned me into the club without worrying about my I.D. As I passed by, he whispered, “Thanks for coming over here, man. I really hate that Wally dude.” Seemed a lot of people had the same feeling.

“Yeah, me, too,” I said softly, then smiled brightly when I saw Jamie sitting at the bar near the door. He was wearing a white tank top and a pair of black sweatpants. Some of the patrons were sneaking glances back at him, but none of them were attempting to talk to him there. Probably because Tristan was so close to him, and the other bouncer was hovering around. The bartender was there, too, and he somehow managed to look intimidating even shirtless in tight pants.

Jamie stood up when I approached him. “You really didn’t have to come,” he said, but he sounded more in awe than anything else. That was silly because it wasn’t even that big of a deal. I’d left a party I was already tired of and taken a seven-minute Uber ride to meet him. But he was looking at me like I’d just scaled a castle wall and slayed a dragon for him.

“I wanted to come,” I told him as I reached him. “I was worried about you. You’re the person I’ve been wanting to see all night, anyway.” I really wanted to kiss him but wasn’t sure if I should. We’d only ever kissed in public on a dark beach, and this was his job. I wasn’t sure if appearing off the market would hinder him.

He beamed at my words, then tentatively reached for me, like he wasn’t completely sure I’d want to get close to him in front of other people. I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward me, and he gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. He pulled back with that beautiful little smile. I loved seeing him smile. I thought of all the years his smiles were surely rare, and the thought that I could make him smile filled my heart to the brim.

“I wanted to get back on your bike, anyway,” I said with a laugh, trying to brush off that look of awe he was still giving me. He gripped my hand and pulled me outside. Tristan still walked out with us. He did a sweep of the parking lot and watched from the sidewalk as we took off.

No one seemed to be following us that night, so Jamie headed in the direction of campus without any detours. We were coming into the part of town full of warehouses and closed office buildings when my right hand seemed to take on a mind of its own. The buzz I had from the alcohol, along with that damn look he’d given me and the fact that I was pretty sure he was going commando under those sweatpants made it somehow impossible to keep my hands to myself anymore. My hand slowly slid from his abs down, down, until it was on his crotch. The bike swerved slightly, and for some reason, even though I was again lacking a helmet, I found that funnier than I did scary.

I had my head resting on his shoulder as I grinned, and he bumped me with his helmet as he tried to turn his head toward me, probably to scold me. Whatever he was trying to do, he wasn’t able to accomplish, and I squeezed his quickly hardening cock, giving it a little tug through his sweatpants. I bet he regretted that fashion decision right about then. I probably should have regretted what I was doing, too, but I didn’t and until he actually wrecked, I would not. I still trusted him. “Caden!” he yelled over the wind.

“Yes?” It was too bad there was no road head on a motorcycle because I really wanted to fool around. I slipped my hand into the waistband of the sweats to check, and as I suspected, he was wearing nothing underneath. “Mmm,” I hummed, sliding my hand up and down his length.

“Fuck!” The bike swerved again, and he suddenly turned into the empty parking lot of a bland row of white offices. There were a few security lights shining on the parking spaces, but there were plenty of shadows, too. He stopped the bike in the middle of two spots, cutting the engine so the light went out, still holding it up as he leaned into my chest. I stroked his cock almost lazily as I tried to hide my grin. “Dammit, Caden,” but he was panting a little bit, “I don’t want to wreck with you on this bike.”

My heart warmed at the fact that it was me he was worried about. But I just said, “You didn’t wreck.” I sped up my hand a little bit, and when I flicked my wrist at the tip, it was apparently all he could take. He shoved my hand away, but before my brain could catch up and I could even start to wonder if I’d upset him, he yanked his helmet off, flipped down the kickstand and grabbed my hand, trying to pull me off the bike with him as he scrambled off his seat.

I followed him, never losing my grin. I let him pull me over to the shadows on the side of the building, where he attacked my mouth with his, pulling me against him as he fell backwards into the wall. I chuckled into the kiss, catching myself on the wall with one hand, but I was every bit as hard as he was by then. I left one hand on the wall and the other slipped back into his pants. I wasn’t sure where we were really going with it, because although I was pretty sure I had a condom in my wallet, I knew I didn’t have any lube. He moaned into my mouth. “Fuck, Caden. Fuck me.”

I wasn’t sure if he was being literal or just saying it as a curse, so I kissed down his neck, still moving my hand on his dick. “Nnhg, Caden.” His head was leaning on the wall behind him, his eyes half closed, “I need you.”

I finally lifted my head from his neck and pulled my hand away. “Should we go back to my dorm? Even if Jesse is back from the bar, my room has its own bathroom.” My dick was pressing into my jeans, so it would be an uncomfortable ride, but I also had the morning’s shower daydream on my mind.

“No. I need you.” He grabbed my hand and sucked my fingers into his mouth again, just like the previous night.

My eyes widened. “Jamie, I’ll hurt you.”

He released my fingers. “I’m not made of glass, Caden, I promise.” He yanked his pants down to his knees and his hard dick sprang free. He then proceeded to turn around, braced his hands on the wall, and looked over his shoulder at me with pleading eyes that I knew I would continue to fall for every time.

I moved forward instantly, testing his hole with my finger. I only hesitated for a second, then pressed in. We were outside, desperate, and there was a chance of being arrested. If we were going to go through with it, I didn’t have time to mess around and tease him. I moved my finger in and out slowly for only a moment before pressing the second finger in. I found his sweet spot quickly and sped up my movements a little as he moaned. I pulled out my wallet with my other hand, bracing it on my abs as I dug for the condom I knew was in there. I was a little grateful for my previous reputation. It had been in there a while, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t expired.

I scissored my fingers inside of him as I replaced my wallet and unzipped my jeans. I pulled my dick out of my pants and opened the condom with my teeth, still moving my fingers inside of him. His hands were gripping the wall, and his forehead was resting on it, his legs spread as wide as they could go with his pants around his knees.

I pulled my fingers out and he gave a little whine, but I spit on them again and added a third. Jamie gave a little curse but pressed back toward my hand. I slid the condom on, lubing it the best I could with my saliva. I gave him one more chance to change his mind. “You sure?”

“Yes.” His forehead was still resting on the wall. I pulled my fingers out and lined up, pressing into him so slowly as I tried to make sure I didn’t hurt him. When I was halfway in, though, he suddenly shoved backwards, impaling himself on my cock. Holy shit. He let out a cry that sounded like a mixture of pleasure and pain, but then he said, “Move.”

Despite my surprise at his sudden movement, I smirked. “Fine, bossy,” I said, pulling out a bit and giving him a little thrust.

He moaned, and his head came off the wall, turning as he tried to find my lips. “I meant please,” he sighed. I just laughed and met his lips with my own as I started thrusting slowly, gently. He groaned into the kiss. “More. Please. Hard, Caden. Fuck me harder.”

Even though he was practically begging for it rough, I couldn’t do it. I could tell my spit wasn’t doing the job fully. I angled my dick in a way I thought would be good for him and sped up a little bit, continuing with small thrusts I hoped wouldn’t hurt him. He cried out, and I looked around to make sure no one was walking up the nearby sidewalk. I didn’t see anyone.

I sped up even more once I was sure I had the right angle, hitting that spot every time. My head fell back, and I moaned, because it felt like his body was some kind of magic, made to pull orgasms out of me. He was the most amazing thing I’d ever felt. I gripped his hips tightly as I thrust into him, pulling my head back up and kissing the back of his neck, over and over. The sounds coming out of me were almost desperate. They were foreign to me and a little embarrassing if I was being honest.

Jamie was making his own little sounds, though. His head was hanging down and his knuckles were turning white as he gripped the concrete wall in front of him. “Caden, please…I need…I need to…”

I was so close. He felt so tight, and I was so turned on by him that I knew my orgasm was going to hit embarrassingly fast. We were outside, though, so we needed to be fast. I continued thrusting, letting out my own moan as I rested my chin on his shoulder and slid my hand around, finding his dick again.
