Page 12 of Living For You

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Tori’s serious face finally broke into a smirk, and she lifted one perfect eyebrow. “You can make it through a whole week without pissing the bed. In my world, that is fully functional. My expectations are very low.”

“Well, it’s good to know I meet your low expectations,” I said with a laugh.

“I know.” Tori put a hand on her chest. “You should feel very special,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“I do. Don’t worry.”

All of the heaviness from just a moment before drifted away as we both laughed together.

“So, I was thinking,” Tori said, as she jumped out of the bed. “How ’bout you let me take the girls for a few hours this morning while you take some time for yourself? Do whatever you want to. Go see a movie, get your nails done. Hell, just stay in bed, if that’s what you want.”

Staying in bed actually sounded excellent, but I felt bad making Tori take care of both girls. Plus, I obviously wanted to spend time with Emery on my birthday. And Tori and Bella. “Are you sure? You know how much of a handful they can be.”

“Oh, yes, I’m completely aware of that, which is why I’m going to take them over to the Stones’ house. I have no question Mama Stone would be happy to help me out while you get some well-deserved R and R.”

“In that case,” I buried myself deeper in the covers, “I think I’ll shut my eyes for a few more minutes.”

“You should shut them for a few more hours.” Tori walked to the bedroom door then stopped before opening it. She kept her hand on the doorknob as she turned to face me. “Maybe plan on meeting me at their house around 12:30, if that’s okay. That way, we can either have lunch at their house or go out and grab something.”

I picked up my phone and read the time. 7:03. Even if I slept for four more hours, I would still have enough time to get ready and be at my in-laws’ house by 12:30. So amazing.

Tori gave me one last big smile before leaving my room. As soon as she was out, I shut my eyes without even turning on an alarm.

I slept so soundly that when I woke up, I was convinced I must have slept through lunch. When I looked at my phone, I was relieved (and surprised) to find it was only a few minutes after ten.

Instead of getting out of bed, I reached underneath it and pulled out the box that had a large safe inside that held all of Willow’s notes. I put in the combination, opened the box, and pulled out the envelope marked birthdays. I took out the note on top and read it slowly, trying my best to let every single word soak in.

August 20, 2019


Happy 30th birthday, my love! Today was such an amazing day. I love anytime I have an excuse to completely celebrate you. I can’t believe this is the last birthday I get to physically be with you though. You know I try really hard not to think about what’s coming, but it definitely wasn’t easy to do that today. I love getting to spend the day spoiling you.

I hope more than anything that you find someone else to spoil you. I hope they find a way to spoil you even more than I do (if that’s possible). Since I know you and can guarantee you only read these birthday notes on your actual birthday, my wish is that this is the year you find someone to fill that spot in your heart that used to belong to me. I know what you’re thinking, and don’t worry—there’s room for two of us there.

You deserve all of the love in the world, Rosemary Stone. Don’t shut yourself off from it. And never forget that even though I might not be physically present for your birthday, I’m still there. I can’t wait to spend every single birthday (and every day in between) watching over you until we can finally celebrate together again (after you live to one hundred twenty-five, of course).

I love you more than anything in the world. I hope every year keeps getting better for you. Give Emery a big kiss and an extra squeeze for me. I’m not even gone yet and I miss you two already.

All my love,


I cried as I held the note against my chest, but these weren’t tears of sadness. They were tears of joy for all of the time I had with Willow. They were tears of appreciation for the fact that I had these letters to help me feel like she was right here with me. The only sadness was over the fact that I didn’t think I would ever be able to fulfill her wish to find someone else to spoil me the way she did. I didn’t know if it would ever be possible for me to open my heart to someone else, and even if it was, would I actually want to? My biggest fear was that I would somehow lose Willow by letting someone else in.

I shook these thoughts from my head because there was no reason for me to be worrying about that now. It’s not like I had any prospects.

I placed Willow’s letter back into the envelope, locked the safe, and made sure the box was stored far under my bed where no one would find it and try to ask about what was inside. Of course, I already had a plan in case that ever happened. I would just tell them that it was where I stored things that were sacred to me and Willow. It’s not like that would be a complete lie. These notes were definitely sacred.

After a few more minutes, I was able to drag myself out of bed. Since I had more time than I originally planned for, I ran myself a bubble bath. I took a picture of the bubble-filled tub and sent it to Tori. Less than a minute later, she sent a text back. Yesss! So happy to see you listened to me and are actually relaxing. You deserve it <3

Her response caused a huge smile to spread across my face and my heart to beat a little faster, but I couldn’t think of what to say back, so instead I sat my phone by the sink and sank into the bathtub. I shut my eyes and did my best to turn off my thoughts completely so I could fully relax—a feat that was very rare for me.

When it was time for me to meet up with everyone at my in-laws’ house, I was feeling much more relaxed than I had in a very long time. Thank you, Tori.

I walked in the door like I always did and was surprised to find it was dark and quiet. That was very unusual, especially when both Emery and Bella were at the house. I hit the light switch by the door and looked around, assuming they must have gone somewhere and not gotten back yet. “Hello? Anyone home?”

When no one answered, I took out my phone to text Tori and started walking down the hall so I could sit in the family room while I waited for them to get back. I jumped in the air when suddenly a very loud, “Surprise!” echoed all around me. I was so caught off guard that I dropped my phone, and when I did, I noticed all of the most important people in my life gathered around the family room. My parents were there, as well as Willow’s whole family. Silas, Andrew, and Marcus were also there, as well as Lisa and Abigail. Of course, Tori, Bella, and Emery were standing front and center.
