Page 52 of Living For You

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I cringed because I knew how insane this was about to sound coming out of my mouth. “Two different psychics told her, apparently.”

Tori laughed once again. “Now I know this is a sick joke. Willow didn’t even believe in that stuff. When we were teenagers, we went just to—” Tori stopped suddenly and brought her hand to her mouth. “She acted so weird when we went that day. I still remember, because she acted like I’ve never seen her act before. After we left, she said how stupid it was, but she seemed angry about it, which as you know, is so unlike her. She refused to talk about it ever again after that day.”

“That’s because of what she found out.”

“No.” Tori practically jumped from her seat. “It’s not… it can’t be. She would have told me. She should have told me. She wouldn’t.”

I stood and once again tried to reach out for Tori, but she jerked away from me as if my touch would burn her. “I’m sorry. I know this is a lot to take in, but…”

“No, I’m sorry. I know it’s your birthday, but I can’t be around you right now. It’s too much. I’m too confused. I’m sorry.”

It felt like I had taken a punch right to the gut, and I didn’t know whether to cry or throw up. I kind of felt like both could happen at any moment. “I… umm… I guess I’ll go.”

I waited a moment in the hopes that Tori would ask me to stay, but when she didn’t, I grabbed my keys and went out to my car. I sat in it for a long time before turning it on, because I had no idea where to go. It still wasn’t time to get the girls from my parents’ house, and I wanted to avoid my mother’s questions about where Tori was for as long as possible. I drove aimlessly for over an hour, my whole body numb as I fought to hold in my tears, because I knew once I started to cry I wouldn’t be able to stop.

When I pulled into my parents’ driveway, I looked at myself in the rearview mirror to make sure my sadness wasn’t completely obvious. I practiced my smiles until I was able to get myself to just look tired instead of completely miserable.

I took a deep breath before shutting off my car and heading into my parents’ house. As usual, as soon as I opened the front door, Emery and Bella came sprinting down the hallway.

“Happy birthday, Mama!” Emery shouted before jumping into my arms and showering me with kisses.

“Thanks, sweetie.” I was thankful for more than just her birthday wish. Even though I was still sad, being with her had taken some of the sting away.

Bella tilted her head as if she was looking for something behind me. “Where’s my mom?”

“Your mom actually isn’t feeling too well, so I thought maybe the three of us could go see Auntie Lisa, so she can have some time alone to rest.” I had no clue where that idea came from, but apparently I had decided that’s what we were doing today.

“Auntie Lisa?” Emery asked as she excitedly wiggled out of my arms.

“Yay!” Bella yelled as the two of them high-fived.

My mom gave me a questioning look as she walked into the hallway. “Tori isn’t feeling well?” She turned around and shouted to my dad. “Curtis, could you get the girls into Rosemary’s car? I need to talk to her for a second.”

“Of course.” My dad walked into the hallway with a big smile on his face and kissed my cheek. “Happy birthday, sweetie. Where’s Tori?”

“Sick,” I lied once again.

“That’s too bad. I’ll go get these two in the car.”

After my dad ushered Emery and Bella out the front door and shut it behind him, my mom crossed her arms in front of her chest and lifted both eyebrows at me. “So, what’s actually going on?”

I shrugged. “Tori isn’t feeling up to doing anything.” That wasn’t actually a lie. It just wasn’t the full truth.

“Hmm. That’s funny, because I’ve seen the way Tori acts around you, especially these past few months. I can’t imagine any sickness keeping her from celebrating your birthday.” My mom waved her hand. “It’s none of my business though. I just want you to know if you ever need to talk about anything I’m here.”

Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. “I know, Mom. I appreciate that.” I can’t talk about this, though. I wish I could. “Everything will be fine. Don’t worry.” Except, I wasn’t sure who I was trying to convince of that—her or myself.

“I know, sweetie. Couples fight. I know you’ve been without Willow for a while now and probably only like to remember the good times, but I’m sure you two fought as well. These things happen. Just make sure you spend more time fighting for each other than with each other.”

“I know. Thanks, Mom.” I placed a kiss on my mom’s cheek then walked out to my car where my dad had the girls ready for me.

I decided to send a quick text to Tori before starting to drive, because I hated where we left things. Hey. I just wanted to apologize again. I'm going to take the girls to Lisa’s to give you some time, but I hope we can talk later.

I waited for a few minutes, but when I didn’t get a reply, I put my phone down and drove to Lisa’s house. As we got out of the car and the girls ran toward Lisa and Abigail’s house, I realized I probably should have warned her that we were coming. I didn’t even know if she was home. Her car was in the driveway, but Abigail’s wasn’t, so they easily could have been out together. Luckily, a few seconds after Emery and Bella began banging on the door, Lisa opened it up.

She gave both of them hugs then smiled up at me. “To what do I owe the pleasure, birthday girl?” Once I reached the front porch, Lisa wrapped me in a tight hug. “Everything okay?” she whispered in my ear. “Where’s Tori?”

Was I really that obvious? How did everyone know something was wrong? “She’s at home. Not feeling well.”

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