Page 45 of Never Tear Us Apart

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“I don’t know if Sour Dick is in, but I am!” Cal lifts his shirt overhead. “A few spikes and that hot brunette will be eating out of my hand. Let’s go!”

He slings his arm around Jake’s shoulders and the two stroll over to the net. When they arrive, Royce gives him and Jake a high five, and directs each to a different side.

When the game starts, I sneak a look at Ellery. As I do, she turns her head quickly and my nerves tingle at the idea that maybe, she was doing the same. It’s the only thing that gets me through the day. That and the bloody nose Royce walks off the court with when Jake spikes the ball and it smacks him in the face.

No scratch that. That made my fucking day.

Chapter 10


After pounding on the door for what feels like forever, it swings open. Ellery stands there, in a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top, and I can tell by the hint of strawberry in the air that she’s just gotten out of the shower. It’s the same shower gel she used when we lived together.

“Do you always answer the door without asking who it is?” I ask impatiently, ignoring the wave of nostalgia and longing that hits me. She’s painfully beautiful with her hair pulled into a bun and her sun kissed skin, glowing. “I could’ve been some psycho.”

“If it’s between you and some psycho,” she replies dryly, “I’ll take the psycho.”

She starts to close the door, but I put my hand out and stop her. “Do you want to tell me what the fuck that was today?”

She looks at my hand incredulously, then flicks her attention to me and narrows her eyes. “What the fuck was what?”

“That bullshit at the cove with Royce, the Stepford children, and Elmhurst’s football team.”

“Not this again.” Her hand falls away from the door and she turns, starting down the foyer.

“Hey.” I storm into the house and slam the door. “Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you.”

She stops and spins around, green eyes flashing like two emeralds on fire. “Why? So you can throw out some bullshit about who I can and can’t hang around with? Newsflash Cruz, you don’t own me.”

“No,” I step into her, cheeks hot, “I don’t. But I sure as shit will tell you who you can date.”

She pulls back with a laugh. “Oh really?”

“Yeah,” I reply smugly, “really.”

“Okay.” She folds her hands over her chest. “I’ll bite. Who? Who meets your approval?”

“No one! Royce mother fucking Richardson especially. I mean, what the hell, Ellery? You hated him and all those other assholes. Now you’re what…party buddies?”

”What can I say?” She shrugs. “Things change.”

“Not with them they don’t. They’re all who they’ve always been. Assholes that care about nothing but money.”

She taps her chin, pretending to think. “So, let me get this straight. You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me, is that it?”

“I don’t want to see that dick Royce putting his hands all over you, no. And I really don’t want to see Dex Webster, Asher Cook, or the rest of the Elmhurst’s defensive line eye-fucking you, either.”

“Why?” She smiles sweetly. “Didn’t you say I should let them run a train on me? I think maybe I should. Cross that off my bucket list before college.”

The way she tosses my words back at me makes me wince. At the same time, the idea of Ellery with anyone but me, makes me see red.

“I would never do that to you!” I fire back. “I would never parade some girl under your nose, let alone four.”

“Right.” She rolls her eyes. “Because you’resonoble.”

I search her eyes, trying to read between the lines. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, just because you used the most textbook way to get over me, it doesn’t mean I screwed everything that walked to get over you.”
