Page 172 of Power Play Rivals

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But I do now.

If Piper ever left me, even for a day, I’d be sure to follow, making a home in her grave and waiting for her to take my soul with her.

I couldn’t imagine a world without my Piper. It would cease to exist for me.

But I never share these thoughts with my love.

I would rather she focus on the beautiful life we have together, cherishing each day, than fear it coming to an end.

We wasted enough time at the beginning of our relationship concentrating on fear.

Now, all I want her to focus on is how loved she is. How cherished and devoted I am to her.

“You’re a rotten friend to encourage him like this,” Piper says before wrapping her arms around my waist and pressing her cheek on my back.

“I’d be a rotten friend if I kept him from doing something he loves. Let him be, Piper. You fuss over him enough for the both of us.”

It’s true. Somewhere along the line, Piper added Rex to the bag of people she needed to protect. It’s how my woman shows that she loves them.

“Well, someone has to watch out for him. Lord knows what he gets up to when we’re not here,” she pouts.

I pull her to my chest and hug her because I know what she’s going to say next. It’s been a recurring theme in our house lately.

“Rex is not moving back to Boston. Stop hinting at it,” I say, placing a small kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Why not?” she sulks.

“Because he’s happy right here.”

“Away from his family?” she counters, making my heart double in size every time she includes Rex in our little family.

“He’s at peace here.”

“I don’t like him spending so much time alone,” she says, brushing her fingers on my five-o’clock shadow.

“If it bothers you so much, we can visit more often,” I reply, though we already spend most of our free time here. The only time we don’t come are big holidays, like Christmas and Thanksgiving. We usually spend them with her mom, the Wilders, the Donovans, and the Moores at their beach house on Cape Cod. But even on those festive occasions, Rex is always in attendance, too. Neither Piper nor I would have it any other way.

“Okay, but we’ll have to persuade him to visit us in nine months or so. I just got off the phone with Lottie, and she’s pregnant again,” Piper says with excitement.

“Jesus. Those two really don’t take things slow, do they? Three kids in as many years?” I laugh. “Does Wilder handcuff her to the bed until he knocks her up or something?”

“I don’t think any kinkery was involved.” Piper laughs. “Lord knows Nathan has reasons not to like the sound of clinking cuffs.”

“He doesn’t know what he’s missing.” I wink at her. “In fact, I think I packed ours in my suitcase. Care to take them for a spin?”

“And leave Rex out here all by himself?” she asks, throwing a glance over at my old man.

“He’ll be okay,” I say, pointing to the two ranchers vigilantly watching their boss tame the beast. “Come on, kitten. What do you say? We have the house all to ourselves for another few hours, and I brought you a brand-new blindfold that would look amazing with our handcuffs.”

“Is that so? What a funny coincidence! I packed something special for you, too.” She wiggles her brows.

My mind immediately goes to lacey lingerie, scented oils, and lots and lots of battery-operated toys.

“Then what are we doing standing around here for? Let’s unpack, woman,” I roar, pulling her in my arms and racing towards the house.

Piper’s loud giggles sound like music to my ears as I dash through the halls and kick open our bedroom door. I plop her on the bed and quickly jump on top of her.

“Aren’t you at least going to wait for me to grab your present?” She giggles as I pepper her with kisses.

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