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Callum adjusted his tie and decided to mingle with some of his more elite guests, making sure connections and good relationships were kept.

As he made his way through the rich and famous shifters, Callum was more interested in the alphas of the different shifter groups. Those were the most important relationships to him. And, thankfully, they were good ones.

It helped that the other alphas were strong, intellectual men whose priorities were the same as Callum’s. It was probably why they all got along so well.

He spotted the Dragon King first.

“Adrian.” Callum approached the tall man. He looked no older than himself, making it hard to remember that Adrian was centuries old. He was also the only one wealthier than Callum.

“Ah, Callum. Great party.”

Magnus, the panther Alpha, chimed in from behind them. “Yes, you sure know how to throw a party with a lot of interesting and very captivating people.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourselves.” He smiled and shook both of the men’s hands.

“I just don’t see how you’re resisting all of this,” Magnus said, gesturing to the attractive shifters making their way through to find a target.

Callum chuckled. “Oh, it’s not without temptation. But I’ve got my duties.”

Adrian smiled, well aware of the responsibilities an alpha had to his pack.

“I see I’ve found the important people.” Callum heard a gruff voice approach from behind.

Oliver, the Alpha of the bear sleuth, emerged from a group of partygoers with a smile on his face.

“Now we’re all here.” Callum grinned as they shook hands and closed their circle of four. “I’m glad to see you all here. Don’t forget to enjoy yourselves and let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

“Oh, we won’t forget,” Oliver remarked as he watched a couple of women strut by.

“Have fun for me as well, then,” Callum instructed, patting the bear on the back. “I need to keep mingling. It was good to see you all, though. We’ll meet soon.”

“Sounds good,” Adrian answered, raising his glass to Callum. The others smiled at their host as well before he pushed his way back through the throng of people.

He was a tad jealous that the other alphas were able to indulge themselves in the intense sexual feelings of the full moon. But a voice quickly pulled him out of his moment of self-pity.

“Ah, Callum. Nice party.”

Callum’s hackles rose, and his wolf had to be pushed down so he wouldn’t snarl. He turned slowly around, forcing a smile.

“Rocco Grimes. So nice to see you were able to make it.” His stomach clenched at the lie.

It wasn’t because Rocco was a lower-ranking alpha of the neighboring wolf pack. It was that he was just an unpleasant person with a sour attitude who constantly set Callum on edge. He always felt like the other alpha had a hidden agenda. But it was a party, Callum’s party, and he needed to be cordial.

“Thanks for the invite. I wasn’t expecting it,” Rocco said snidely.

“You’re welcome. I wouldn’t want to leave another alpha out, especially one from a neighboring pack. Are you enjoying yourself?”

Callum didn’t even listen to the response. His inner wolf was bristling at having to put up with Rocco. They needed to keep the peace, and that was the only thing that kept Callum’s wolf at bay from a full confrontation.

Rocco knew that.

The arrogant alpha smiled smugly. “It’s so nice for you to share your wealth among us lesser folks. So we can see what we’re all missing out on.”

Callum knew what Rocco was doing. He ignored it.

With a forced smile, Callum moved away. “I have guests I need to attend to. I hope you enjoy yourself, Rocco.”

Callum gave a brief nod and quickly put distance between them. He got out his phone and texted Dan to let him know Rocco was at the party.
