Page 101 of Heartless Monster

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By the end of the third, we’re tied 7-7.

“Come on, Misfits. You’ve got this,” I howl through the noisy bleachers.

As we near the final seconds of the fourth, I’m getting really nervous, right along with everyone else. With my hands on my cheeks, I watch intently, my sole focus on the field.

With my eyes trained on the field, I listen to the announcer. “Quarterback Rome Cromwell pitches a snap to his brother, Wilder Cromwell. It’s good to see these boys on the field together again.

“It’s a sweep to the left…hold up, Rome is streaking down the sideline.” The announcer continues, “Wilder stops, he’s gonna pass it back to his brother. Rome is wide open.”

“What’s he doing?” Julia asks, and I shrug because I have no idea. I don’t know much about football, but it looks like Wilder is going to throw the ball to Rome.

A gasp comes through the speaker. “The ball’s in the air. He’s under it, there’s no one in front of him. He’s going. He’s gonna make it all the way.”

Everyone grows quiet as we stand on pins and needles, watching nervously as Rome runs with the ball.

Six seconds left on the clock. Come on, Rome. You’ve got this, baby.

I grab Julia’s arm, squeezing as Rome dodges a couple Jets players. “He’s in!” I shout victoriously. “He’s in!”

“Touchdown, Misfits! By none other than Rome Cromwell. And the dream duo does it again. Those Cromwell boys are unstoppable. Misfits win the game!” The clock runs out and everyone loses their minds, me included. Wilder and Rome embrace each other and I melt watching them.

I can’t help myself as I run to the sideline to meet Rome. His eyes find me immediately and we eat up the space between us. The second I’m in his arms, he twirls me around. “I’m so proud of you, Rome!”

“You know what this means?” He sets me down on my feet, his hands cemented to my waist. “You can’t miss a single game at this point. You’re my new good luck charm.”

I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t miss any of your games for the world.”

Everyone leaves the field, and Wilder passes by us. “Hey, Wilder,” I holler as Rome sets me back on my feet. “Good job out there.”

He tips his chin. “Thanks, El.” I watch as he walks away, meeting someone by the bleachers.

“Is that Ms. Jenkins?” I ask Rome, and he shoots a look over his shoulder.

“Oh yeah,” he quips. “She’s been helping Wilder with his ‘Future Business Leaders of America’ essay. He must be thanking her.”

“That’s nice of her.” I kiss Rome on the lips, and suddenly it’s just us out here tonight. Even as people pass us by and pat Rome on the back, all we see is each other. “Go celebrate your victory with the guys in the locker room. I’ll meet you at your car when you’re done.”

“All right, baby. It won’t take long.” He kisses me again, then slips away. My body immediately notices his absence and I shiver.

Last year a heartless monster stepped out of the dark and rescued me.

Now, he forever has my heart in the palm of his hand.



“Mmm. Everything looks delicious, Mom.” I pull out my chair beside Rome at the dining room table, a smorgasbord of food on display in front of us.

“It sure does,” Brogan chirps. “But this is a lot, even for you.”

Lake grabs a roll and sinks her teeth into it. “What’s the occasion?”

Sayer and Callan finally join us, dripping with sweat since they’ve been working out in the basement. “Boys,” Grant snaps. “You smell like a damn locker room. Go clean yourselves up then get back down here.”

The boys grumble then leave the dining room. After Mom says grace, we dig in while Sayer and Callan are still upstairs.

Once they come back and have their plates ready, Grant stands. His hands press firmly to the table and he clears his throat. “First of all, I’d like to thank my beautiful wife for this meal she’s prepared for us. We all know how hard she works day in and day out, so this is much appreciated.”
