Page 6 of Saved (Surrender)

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Ella didn’t say anything more to her boss. She flipped off her light, grabbed her purse, and walked from the office. She was on the verge of tears again, and she’d already cried far too much that day. She didn’t want to shed any more tears.

She’d go to the reading out of respect for Nana Bee, then she’d leave. There was no reason for her to stick around after she signed whatever it was she needed to sign. She’d go, then she’d try to put it all behind her. She didn’t believe that was possible, but she’d give it a solid effort.

Nana Bee had taken her in, but that didn’t in any way, shape, or form mean the rest of the family needed to step in for Nana Bee now. They had reasons to hate her, and she didn’t blame them for that. Life would go on, as it must. Ella hoped it moved forward sooner rather than later.

Chapter Three


Bass walked into the large conference room at the attorney’s office he’d been called to for the reading of Nana Bee’s will. He didn’t want to come, but anything Nana Bee asked of him he’d do. Her last wishes were very clear. The will wouldn’t be read unlessallwho were called were present. He had to smile at how stubborn Nana Bee was even at the end. She knew how to get her way, and nothing stopped her from her mission.

Bass looked around the room and met the furious expression of Rafe. Bass gave a shrug. It wasn’t his idea to be in the room. He was also getting sick of being the bad guy. He’d felt guilty for years, and he was done with it. Rafe had been his best friend, and when he’d needed his best friend to trust him the most, he’d walked away without a backward glance. That said a lot more about Rafe’s character than about his own. He could close his eyes at night and fall asleep with no guilt . . . could Rafe do the same?

Probably. The man could be cold as ice. Since meeting his now wife, Ari, he’d changed, but not enough to talk to Bass. Well, screw him.

Taking a seat, Bass looked around at the dozen people in the room. For a woman with such a vast fortune, he was surprised there were so few people there. Then again, he’d have thought Nana Bee would simply leave her fortune to her only son, Martin. It wasn’t like anyone in the roomneededmore money.

The tension inside the room was palpable. He wanted to make a comment about pulling out a knife so they could cut the air, but he didn’t think too many people would be amused at his comment. Then again, Rafe might actually pull out a knife to stab him instead of cutting mere air.

Bass had never liked being in uncomfortable situations, and in this room the awkwardness was more than clear without a soul saying a word. He’d walk right out if he thought there was any chance that the attorney calling him to the will reading had been bluffing. But this was the last thing he could do for the woman who’d forever changed his life.

The silence continued until there was a rustling at the door. A woman walked inside, the same woman he’d noticed at the funeral the day before. Why was she so dang familiar? He needed to know. He was about to stand and approach her when she decided to make arealentrance.

She lifted her hand to give an awkward wave when her purse slipped from her shoulder and swung down, hitting her leg. He wasn’t sure what was in the purse, but it was heavy enough that it hit her knee and caused her to misstep. She stumbled for half a second and then she dropped down to the floor with an oomph.

Bass jumped up then and rushed to her, sticking out his hand. She looked up in mortification. She hesitated before placing her hand in his. He was relieved when she took his offered assistance.

“Hi, I’m Bass,” he said quietly while the rest of the room watched the two of them like it was the best show they’d ever seen.

She gave him a shy smile. “Thanks for the help. I’m a klutz,” she replied.

“We’ve all been there.” He was hoping she’d offer her name. He wasn’t patient enough to wait until the reading. “You look familiar, but I can’t place you.”

Her cheeks flushed even more as she gazed at the floor. It appeared she didn’t want to say her name. The room was more silent than before, and it made him realize everyone was waiting to hear who in the heck this woman was. At least it wasn’t just him.

“Ella,” she finally said after another few tense seconds.

Bass searched his memory at the name and when it came to him he felt like he was taking a punch to the gut. “Ella Jones?” he questioned.

She nodded. He didn’t know what to say. He was left standing when she moved away from him and took a seat in the back of the room. There were a few chairs along the wall that she chose versus sitting at the table with everyone else. Quiet whispers started as everyone realized who she was.

This was the little girl who’d played with him and Rafe when they were kids. He glanced at her again, noting the sadness in her expression. It was clear she wanted to be anywhere else but in that room. He understood why.

Her father was a monster.

Ella had been a cute kid, and she was absolutely beautiful now. He was only half present in the room as the attorney walked in with a thick folder. The man took his seat at the head of the table. Bass looked at him while keeping tabs on Ella from the corner of his eye.

Ella had been a pre-teen when she’d lived with Nana Bee for a few years after her father had gone to prison. Her mother had left her when she was only a baby. He couldn’t remember all of the details of the story, but it had been bad.

“Thank you all for coming today. We can begin,” the attorney said. Everyone waited for him to go on without any greetings. He didn’t which was probably why Rafe decided to speak next.

“Nana Bee exited this world like she came into it, with a big bang,” Rafe said, a bit of a crooked smile lifting the corner of his lips.

“She wouldn’t have it any other way,” the attorney replied. “Let’s get started, this will take a while.”

For the next few minutes, the attorney listed some of Nana Bee’s assets going to her son and a few other relatives. Then he was quiet for so long, Bass thought it was over. He didn’t understand why he was there.

“For this last part of the will, I need everyone other than Rafe, Bass, and Ella to leave the room,” the attorney said.
