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His words brought a real smile to Micah’s face. “Then let’s ditch them and get out of here.”

“Ditch them?”

“Hell yes. I doubt they’ll even notice if we don’t come back.”

“I like the way you think.”

They laughed as they walked toward the nearest entrance, wondering how long it would take Alex to realize they weren’t coming back. As they reached the doors, they passed two guys holding hands. Micah sobered, and even if Jake hadn’t seen the look on his face, he felt Micah’s desire as he watched them for as long as he could without turning his head and being too obvious about it.

Jake held the door open for Micah as they stepped from the Market’s air-conditioned interior into the humidity of the late August afternoon. He took in Micah’s lean, elegant body, the way every movement became part of a dance, how the sunlight turned his hair into a golden halo, and felt an unfamiliar wave of affection wash over him. Maybe it wasn’t so far-fetched to think he could do this. And maybe, even if he wasn’t feeling the hearts and flowers and giddy silliness like Alex and Robin, that didn’t necessarily mean he didn’t feel that Micah was someone special to him.

Which was why, once he was standing next to Micah on the sidewalk, he took Micah’s hand in his and entwined their fingers. “What do you want to do now?”

The smile Micah gave him was glorious, and Jake realized he didn’t give a shit what they did as long as he got to do it with Micah. And he knew he was going to have to talk to Alex about staying at Micah’s until the end of his visit because he wasn’t giving up these last few days for anything.


The next day, Alex brought over some clothes Jake had left at his house and hung out with them by the pool all afternoon. It seemed Jake and Alex had had some kind of conversation, and Jake was going to continue staying with Micah for the rest of his visit. When Alex left after dinner, Jake stayed behind, and Micah was thrilled.

The days before the drag show passed in a happy blur. He loved having Jake in his bed, waking up with him in the morning, working out with him, eating every meal together… Basically, everything was better when he was doing it with Jake. That was especially true as something seemed to have shifted between them since that day at the Market. Jake was more attentive, touched him more, held his hand whenever they were out. At night, Jake took his time caressing him, teasing him, bringing him to the edge of orgasm, then backing off until Micah was begging to come. When Jake was inside him, he held Micah with a grip that was at once possessive and gentle, which told Micah more about how he felt than Jake probably realized. Micah had never felt so cherished, so…loved. Even if Jake didn’t say it out loud, Micah knew he wasn’t imagining it.

Alex had noticed the change too, it seemed. He didn’t say anything, but Micah had caught his best friend watching the two of them when they lounged by the pool or took the boat out. When Robin was around, Alex watched them when he slid an arm across her shoulders or put sunscreen on her back, laughing quietly whenever Jake followed suit, and winking at Micah’s raised eyebrow. He had no idea what his friend found so funny, but something amused him about him and Jake being together.

It also seemed Alex and Robin had gotten the message after being ditched. They still kissed and touched, but not to the point of excluding everyone else, and it turned out Robin was a lot of fun to have around. She was going to come to the drag show and was excited about it, having never seen one before.

All in all, the days leading up to the drag show had turned into the best time Micah had had all summer. Trading morning blowjobs, followed by rehearsals and working out with Jake, then hanging out with Alex and Robin in the afternoon, and sex with Jake at night—it was a schedule pretty much made in heaven as far as Micah was concerned. He tried not to think about how soon it was going to end, and stopped himself a dozen times a day before he could ask Jake what it all meant. He’d find out soon enough if they were actually boyfriends or just a summer fling.

Then, suddenly, before Micah wanted it to be, it was the day of the drag show, and Jake was helping him pack up his costume and makeup. Micah put on the undergarments that would give him a more feminine shape, as well as hold his dick tight against his body so its outline wouldn’t be seen through the thin material of his dress.

Even though he’d rehearsed in full costume, he couldn’t suppress a shiver as he pulled on his jeans and T-shirt and realized the undergarments made his normal clothes fit differently. He was aware of his body in a way he wasn’t used to, and as he walked downstairs, he also realized he moved differently. As a dancer, he was intimately familiar with the way his body moved through space, and this new awareness of it ratcheted his anxiety up a few notches, which Jake must have seen because he slid his arm around Micah’s shoulders and told him everything was going to be great, and besides, it was too late to cancel. Alex and Robin were already in the city and expecting them to show up.

Jake drove them to the train station because Micah was too nervous to concentrate, and held Micah’s hand all the way into the city. Micah spent the trip and the walk to the club trying not to hyperventilate.

He’d almost succeeded in calming down, but then Tonee met them at the back door to the club, looking fabulous as Missy Thang, his drag persona and soon-to-be MC for the show. Missy Thang’s makeup was perfect, with killer arched eyebrows, eyelashes so long they almost touched her forehead, contoured cheekbones, and ruby-red lips. She was decked out in a long blonde wig and white-sequined ensemble cinched tight at the waist by a corset top that accentuated her curves, especially her ass. As Micah and Jake followed her down the hall to the dressing room, Micah’s nerves kicked in again.

Jake took hold of his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Uh-uh, Mi. You’re going to be great.”

“You’re going to be amazing, sweetie,” Missy Thang said, her voice and mannerisms as exaggerated as her makeup. “I’ve been doing this for years, and some of the other girls have too, so don’t compare yourself to us. Take heart, you’re not our only virgin tonight. And from what your man here says, it sounds like you know your way around a stage.”

“My man?” Micah looked at Jake.

Missy Thang turned and gave them a dazzling smile, then shrugged. “Boyfriend, partner, whatever. If you ever get tired of him, let me know.”

Jake laughed and gave Micah’s shoulder a squeeze. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m pretty happy.”

“Seems the good ones are always married or gay.” Missy Thang grinned, then pointed them to a door. “Here you go, princess.”

For some reason, Micah couldn’t make himself step away from Jake and push the door open. “I don’t think I can do this.” He turned and buried his face in Jake’s shoulder.

“Sure you can, Mi. You’re gonna be great. If you’re not, the only people who know will be Alex and me. And we will never let you forget it for the rest of your life.”

“The rest of my life, huh?” Micah looked up at Jake, his heart stuttering at the implied meaning of those words.

“Oh, aren’t you two just the cutest things ever?” Missy Thang rapped on the dressing-room door with a chunky silver ring. “Heads-up ladies, we got a fox coming into the hen house.”

A moment later the door swung open, and a heavyset drag queen dressed only in undergarments poked her head out, took a look around, and broke into a huge smile. “You weren’t kidding, Missy. Hel-lo, handsome.”

Jake was laughing, and Micah couldn’t help smiling as they were ushered into the dressing room to a chorus of similar comments and wolf whistles. Micah stood beside Jake like a deer in the headlights, staring at the chaos of a dozen drag queens in various stages of dress and makeup application. He must have looked completely helpless because within seconds, a couple of the older drag queens had him seated in front of a mirror and were opening up his suit bag, wig box, and makeup kit.
