Page 12 of The Summer of Wild

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“This was a mistake. I’m sorry.”

"Why are you apologizing?" He licks his lips nervously. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I... I... " I know I didn't, but Mrs. Allred is never going to forgive me for this. When Cash and I started having sex, she sat us both down and made us promise that I'd go on birth control and Cash would always wear a condom. Double protection is what she called it. More like an insurance policy if you ask me.

The Allred name cannot be sullied by teenage antics, Mrs. Allred warned us. Or there will be hell to pay.

"Go down to your party," I tell Cash. "I need a minute to myself."

He tries to hug me, but I hold a hand up. "No."

"Okay," Cash replies as he runs a tired hand over his face.

Cash gets dressed in a hurry, then fixes his hair in the mirror above his bed. I lean against his bedroom wall, my head in my hands. This is a mess. This whole situation is a big, fat mess. I should have known things would end like this.

I step aside to let him out, avoiding eye contact.

The sound of the door softly closing behind him makes my heart throb.

Cash Allred may be my first love but I'm not sure he'll be my last.

Chapter 4

The Break Up

Cash has been pacing the front porch for the last 15 minutes. I've been waiting for him to knock on the door, but he hasn't worked the courage up yet.

"You should just go out there," Isla dramatically drops her head into her hands. "This is torture."

"I'm sorry my relationship unraveling is torture for you," I roll my eyes.

"You're forgiven," Isla purses her lips.

"What should we do?" Mom whispers, oblivious to the mention of my relationship falling apart.

"He can't hear you," I remind her as I cross my arms over my chest, sandwiched between my mother and sister on the couch. "And I don't know. All I know is that he's probably going to break up with me."

"Why do you think that?" Mom furrows her brow. "You know, Fanny did ignore me at the grocery store yesterday. I know we're not friends, but you'd think she'd at least be civil after four years of our kids dating."

"I don't really want to talk about it," I swallow hard.

"Why do you think he's going to break up with you?" Mom asks.

"He's going to Europe," I exhale.

"So?" Mom tries to remain optimistic.

"And then he's going to Baltimore," I raise an eyebrow. "He obviously doesn't want to spend his last summer with me. Why stay together?"

"He might ask you to go to Europe with him," Mom smiles. "It's been four years, Ingrid. He won't throw that all away on a little trip to Italy."

Except, it's not just Italy. It's the whole continent. She's clueless. So clueless.

"Then, why is he still pacing?" Isla points toward the window.

"Cash is... " I trail off as I think about the last four years together.

14-year-old Cash loved to hold my hand.
