Page 66 of You & Me: Part Two

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It’s Tuesday morning and I’m sitting at my desk staring blankly at my computer as I wait for the students to start arriving. I should be getting my day organized and checking my emails, but I can’t stop daydreaming about yesterday and how great Jonathan was.

He took care of me all night. He slept next to me and just held me. He didn’t make any moves, and I didn’t feel any pressure from him. He simply held me and took care of me all night long.

The more time I spend with him the more I realize he isn’t just this hot guy that I had a whirlwind romance with.

He’s an amazing man. Genuine. Thoughtful. Kind.

Last night he cooked dinner, took care of the dogs, read Ireland her bedtime story and then took care of me the rest of the night. He could have taken advantage of my emotional day, and tried to push things further in my vulnerable state, but he didn’t. Instead, he rubbed my shoulders and then slept on the top of the bed covers with my head on his chest. He rubbed my head and stroked my hair until I fell asleep, just like he did every night that we shared a bed in California.

The last thing I recall before falling asleep was him kissing the top of my head and saying, “Goodnight, Gracie.” The next thing I know, my phone is buzzing with the sound of my alarm and I’m still in his arms. I reach over and slap the alarm off, but he quickly pulls me back into our spooning position and puts his nose in my hair and takes a long sniff.

“God, I love the way you smell.”

I love his morning voice. His voice is already deep and sexy as hell, but add the rasp that comes with him just waking up and my panties practically fall right off.

Before I’ve had a chance to respond to him, he pulls my hair to the side exposing my neck and kisses me gently.

“I’ll go get the coffee started and you hop in the shower. Want me to make you anything for breakfast?” He says as he gets out of bed still fully clothed from the night before. It looks like he slept with just the throw blanket I keep on the edge of my bed. He stayed on top of those covers all night. Damn.

“I’ll just have some cereal when Ireland has hers. Thanks for getting the coffee started and thanks for last night…for everything really. Not sure how I would have gotten through yesterday without you.”

“I’m glad I could be there when you needed me, but there really isn’t a thank you needed. I would have been losing my mind if I wasn’t able to help, so it was more for me than for you,” he says with a wink. “Now get up, beautiful, and get in the shower.”

I never knew that little things like eating breakfast together or talking over a cup of coffee each morning could mean so much, but they do. Who knew there were really good men like him out there? I guess I did, but I never thought I would find him again. Now, it looks like it’s up to me to decide if I am going to walk away again, or take the risk of a broken heart and being let down.

Alex, Cami and I always say no regrets. I think it’s time I start actually living my life to match our motto. Let’s face it, today could be my last so I might as well start kicking some ass.

The bell rings and snaps me out of my thoughts of the beautiful man that I am so in love with that I can’t even find the words to tell him. I don’t even have the balls to tell myself half the time. I was able to admit it to Cami with two shots in me but sober in the light of day and I can’t get it out.

“Hey, Miss Jacobs,” Austin says as he walks in and puts his backpack on his desk. He looks over his shoulder and signals to the cute little brunette waiting in the doorway to class. Miss J, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Kayla.”

Kayla walks into the classroom and puts her arm through Austin’s arm, but doesn’t say anything in the way of a greeting. She seems shy, but totally in love with Austin. It’s very sweet to see them together.

I put my hand out and say, “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you from Austin and it’s nice to finally put a face to the name.”

At the sound of me saying that Austin has talked to me about her, her face lights up with pride. She shakes my hand and says, “Me too.”

We all stand there quietly after our handshake, so I remind the kids that class is about to start.

“Well, Austin class is about to start so we should probably get things settled and ready to go.”

“Sounds good, Miss J. I’ll be right back.”

He walks Kayla to the hall outside the door that leads to the main hallway and gives her a kiss goodbye. She looks at me over his shoulder, gives me a little wave and a smile and walks away.

“So glad she could finally meet you. I’ve told her all about you and how you helped Jesse. She thinks it’s cool there’s a teacher around here who actually cares about all of us misfit toys.”

It makes me feel good to see a kid like Austin so happy. Ah, young love.

“There are lots of teachers that care, Austin, you just haven’t given them all a chance.”

He simply shrugs, gets his things out of his bag and settles into his chair.

“She’s really sweet, Austin. Thanks for introducing us. You guys must balance each other out because she seemed really quiet and then there is you.” I joke.

He gives a little chuckle and says, “She’s just a little shy. Who knows, maybe she was star struck? You are my favorite teacher, after all. Okay, you’re the only teacher I like, but that’s kinda saying something. She was glad to meet you, trust me. She’s the one, Miss J. We’re already talking about getting married when we graduate. I’m glad you finally met her.”

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