Page 131 of The Thug And His Doll

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"Yeah," I agree, feeling my heart swell with love for the little family we've created.

"I'm so glad Lia decided to stay," she adds, but there's a wistful tone to her voice that doesn't go unnoticed.

"Are you certain about everything?" I ask, eying her suitcases that sit beside the stairs. Aside from a brief phone call to Dalton the morning after Martin was charged for attempted murder, when I filled him in on what happened, we haven't really spoken. Our relationship is strained to say the least, and I'm not sure it will ever get back to what it was.

"We've been over this, Drix. I'm okay with it. Dalton is..."

"Is what?" I ask guardedly.

"Is making an effort."


"Just small gestures," she replies.

“What, you mean that huge fucking engagement ring? Is that the small gesture you’re talking about?” I ask, unable to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

She flinches, tucking her hand in her pocket. “Drix, this is happening. No use getting angry about it,” she replies softly.

I open my mouth to speak but she shakes her head, cutting me off.

"He's doing his best, and even though things are... strained, I appreciate that he's trying."

“Taking you out on a couple of dates this past week, and flaunting you about to his rich friends is not what I consider trying. That’s just surface level bullshit.”

She glances at her wristwatch, ignoring my remark. "He'll be here in a couple of hours to pick me up. Perhaps you could use the opportunity to make peace with him, for my sake, if not for your own."

"I'm not sure I can do that," I admit.

She sighs. "Drix, you've been friends for years, I don't want this to come between you."

"It already has, Daisy, and I'm not saying that to make you feel bad, but because I need to be honest with you. I love you. I appreciate what you've done for me, for us, but I can't help but worry. This is your happiness we're talking about."

"You're worth it," she replies. "And please know that I went into this arrangement for my own reasons too. I want this baby."

"You'll be an incredible mother, Daisy, I have no doubt about that," I sigh, "But it feels like I've escaped a life sentence only for you to take it on."

"Don't think of it like that. Marrying Dalton and freeing you from your debt is my gift to you. Having a child is a gift to myself. I won't ever regret it."

"Even if being married to Dalton makes you unhappy?" I ask. "You don't even like each other."

"Maybe we can learn to?” she offers. “This isn't the first arranged marriage, and it won't be the last. Besides, you always wanted us to be friends, this could be our chance."

"That's an extreme way to make friends, Daise," I laugh lightly, trying not to let my discomfort show too much.

"Well, you know me, I always try to find the good in people."

With that she gives me a quick squeeze then heads towards Toby and Lia, laughter bursting from her lips as Toby bounds towards her, throwing himself in her arms.

A couple of hours later, Dalton has packed up the last of Daisy's suitcases in the boot of his car and we're standing awkwardly together as Lia and Toby hug Daisy goodbye.

"They're going to miss her being around," I say, watching the three of them. "I'll miss her."

"She's only a ten minute drive away. Nothing's changed," Dalton says, swiping a hand through his hair, a muscle flickering in his jaw as he stares at his bride-to-be.

"Everything's changed. You are now responsible for my sister's happiness, are you certain you're up for the challenge?" I press.

"Honestly, I’m not sure."
