Page 38 of Tempting Reese

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“Mav, your mom is a strong woman. She has been doing one hell of a job. But I do understand what you are saying. You want to make things a little easier. Me, too.”

“But we are all going to mind our own business because she has things under control,” Reese said from the kitchen doorway.

“I thought you said she was drooling,” Mav accused Cash.

“I do not drool,” Reese’s indignant tone had Mav rolling his eyes and Cash hiding his smile.

“Whatever you say, Beautiful.”

“Zip it,” she said. “Or else the days of homemade mac and cheese are gone. It will be nothing but the powdered box stuff for you.”

“I said nothing,” Mav backed away from her in mock terror.

“Nice, Kid. Hang me out to dry,” Cash chuckled. “I said it, and it’s true. You are going to have to get used to me looking out for you. There is no damn reason you should have to do it all yourself. Long haul, remember?”

“Uh-huh,” Reese tried to ignore him as she moved around her kitchen.

“The first thing we are going to go shopping for is a car. A nice car,” Cash added for emphasis.

“What part of I don’t need a white knight did you miss?”

“What part of you are mine did you miss?”

“Cash,” Reese growled.

“Yes, Beautiful,” he smiled at her pulling her into his arms. “I told you we are doing this. You and me, woman. And the kid over there and Oliver, who is outside in the driveway with Franks’ mother.”

“Just because we are dating or whatever this is, doesn’t mean you can buy me things,” Reese informed him. “Picking up dinner on your way home is one thing. A car is completely different.”

“You have two options. One, you can go car shopping with me sometime next week. I will give you a choice of what I have already picked out. Two, you stay home and take whatever I pick out. The choice is yours, but I can tell you now, you can fight me all you want, but this is not something I will back down on.”

“Mom, what does it matter who buys the car if you guys are going to be together?”

“Butt out, Mav,” Reese replied.

“He is right. What does it matter?”

“It matters to me. It is a car,” she emphasized because Cash seemed to be missing the point.

“So, I am going to guess this is going to be option two, and you can bitch at me later,” Cash smirked.

“No, because I will get my own car one of these days.” It would be no day soon, but Reese didn’t add that last thought out loud.

“Car, truck, or SUV?”

Reese ignored him, grumbling about interfering men and the need to start dinner. They let her stew as she made the cheese sauce.

“She likes a car or an SUV that gets good gas mileage,” Mav answered for her.

“Mav,” Reese yelled, tossing a spoon at him as he made his escape out the kitchen door. His laughter accompanied the sound of his feet on the stairs. Cash’s laugh had her whipping around, pointing her finger at him. “Go put on a shirt.”

“Yes, Beautiful,” Cash tried half-heartedly to hide his smile. “You wanna come upstairs and help me?”


“You’re no fun,” he teased.

“Absolutely right. I am a mom, and I also double as the fun police.”

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