Page 48 of Tempting Reese

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The knock at the kitchen door had Franks pulling his weapon and Cash standing in front of Reese and Pappy. Moving the curtain, Franks holstered it again.

“Good morning, Ms. Birdie,” he sighed, opening the door for Reese’s boss. “It is so nice of you to bring us breakfast.”

The day continued as it began with a parade of well-meaning residents dropping off food and offering to help in any way they could. By afternoon Reese had enough. The sound of people talking in every room of her house was deafening. There were enough people here that she could barely make it through her own home, but no one could offer her any news about her son.

“Come on, Beautiful,” Cash whispered in her ear, drawing her away from the crowd and up the stairs. Closing the door to her bedroom, he was once again thankful he put a lock on her door. Cash didn’t hesitate to lock them inside.

“Where is he?” Reese wondered aloud. “Why haven’t they called? what-if I never see Mav again? what-if they hurt him? what-if they hurt my baby?” She covered her face and wept.

“Reese, my Beautiful,” Cash held her close while she cried. “He is going to come in this house, tripping over his feet, wanting to know what there is to eat. Believe it because I do.”

“I just want him home.”

“I know, me too.”

Cash held Reese until her body swayed. Picking her up, he placed her gently on her bed, covering her with the blanket and then Mav’s blanket.

“Please don’t leave,” Reese whispered. “Just stay for a little bit, and then you can go back to her.”

She hated herself for needing to borrow some of his strength, but she felt as if she were drowning. Everywhere she turned, more weight threatened to submerge her deeper and deeper into despair until she couldn’t find her way out.

“Beautiful, I swear to you there is no one else,” Cash sighed, climbing into bed with her, spooning her against him, until he could feel every inch of her back pressed against his front. He waited until she settled before he tried again. “Ash isn’t anything to me.”

“I don’t want to hear about her.”

“I will let it go for now, but Reese, as soon as Mav is home, we are going to be talking about this.”

Reese didn’t reply. She snuggled into his warmth, trying to shut her mind off. She was going crazy picturing Mav injured, calling out for her to help him. Cash’s hand stroked her lightly anywhere he could reach. He held her until her breathing evened out. He knew she wasn’t sleeping, and there was a good chance she wouldn’t until she knew Mav was safe. If this was all she would allow, he would take it for as long as she would let him. After Mav was home, things were going to change.

Chapter 19

Reese opened her eyes, startled to see the darkness surrounding her bedroom. Popping up off the bed with a start, she berated herself for falling asleep as her heart raced in her chest.

“I fell asleep. What kind of horrible mother am I that I fell asleep while my child is missing?” She jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder.

“You didn’t miss anything. I have been awake the whole time you were out. Beautiful, you haven’t slept in too damn long. Your body needed some time to recharge. I promise you nothing happened. Franks came up an hour ago to check on you, but that was it. No phone calls on your house phone and no news,” Cash told her, rubbing her back.

Reese didn’t acknowledge him. She unlocked the door and left him sitting on the bed as she went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror was a mistake. With the dark circles under her bloodshot eyes, she confirmed she looked as bad as she felt. Washing her face did nothing to help, but the warm cloth felt good against her aching eyes. Reese pronounced herself good enough after brushing her teeth and making a half-hearted attempt at combing her hair before giving up and putting it back in a ponytail.

Opening the door, she found Cash waiting on her. His eyes appraised her easier than she would have liked at a time like this. If she had more energy, she would have told him to keep his eyes to himself. She would also have reminded herself his opinion didn’t matter. However, Reese couldn’t even work up a protest when he wrapped his arms around her. Sinking into him felt better than it should.

Cash nudged her chin up as his head lowered. Bringing his mouth to hers, he caressed her lips gently. Not delving deep, his reassurance and support were conveyed in the gesture. Reese sighed, hugging him tighter and rubbing her cheek against the soft cotton of his shirt.

Yelling from somewhere below them made its way to the top of the stairs bursting the bubble they created. Ignoring it wasn’t going to work. The noise was getting louder.

“I have no idea what is going on, but we should probably go find out,” Cash sighed, dropping a kiss on Reese’s head.

“I can’t remember the last time Pappy yelled at anyone besides my father.”


“Cash,” Reese tugged on his arm, stopping him as he started down the stairs ahead of her. “I just wanted to say thank you. Whatever happens later, thank you for this.”

Three steps below her, Cash turned, framing her face with his hands. “You are my world, Beautiful: you and Mav and that old man down there yelling at Franks. I know you are mad, but, woman, I love you. We are going to have that talk soon. Shit is going to be changing. There is no more your place or mine. We are going to have our place, our life together, and our family. You don’t have to believe me right now, but you will.”

“I am sorry about your nose,” Reese looked at the dark circles under his eyes and the slight kink where her hand met his face.

“Sorry about the nose but not the shot to the crotch?” The corners of his mouth twitched. “I deserved it for even giving you a reason to think something was going on. If I saw another man come out of your house in the middle of the night, no matter how innocent, it would have been a hell of a lot worse.”

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