Page 63 of Tempting Reese

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“Remember, today is Mav’s birthday. We are having a birthday dinner tonight. I am staying a little late at the bakery today to make him a cake,” Reese rattled off her reminders for him like she did every morning. “You said you took care of the present. You really aren’t going to tell me what we got him?”

“Nope,” Cash grinned that same mischievous grin all of the men in her house sported.

“Fine,” She rolled her eyes at him and turned back to making breakfast. “But if he doesn’t like it, it is all your fault.”

“Oh, the kid will like it.”

Placing a plate in front of him, she sat beside him, talking about their day. After finishing, Reese put the dishes in the sink and rushed to find her purse and keys.

“You aren’t going to tell me?”

“Nope, Beautiful. I’m not. I promise the kid is going to flip. You will be so grateful to me that not only will you profess your undying love for me because I am just that damn good, you will do that shit you know I love when you ride my dick later on tonight.”

“Wow, that good, huh?”

“Woman, I am always that damn good.”

“Lord save me,” Reese laughed on her way out the door.

The day passed uneventfully. Even with staying later at the bakery, Reese had time to pick up around the house and start on the fried chicken and mac and cheese Mav requested for his birthday meal. Her baby was turning sixteen. Cash told her two weeks ago he had already taken care of their present to him. Not knowing anything about it worried her.

Mav started an afternoon work program through the school. He got to have classes in the morning and lunch at school. In the afternoon, he went to work for Cash at his garage as part of the curriculum. Fingers crossed, Brecken learned his lesson the last time because the bane of her son’s existence had become quiet. There were no more calls from the school and no more threats to have him expelled.

Pappy was working with Cash answering the phone and running for parts. He was happy to be included in the day’s work. He had the same girlfriend, but thankfully Officer Franks hadn’t found Pappy and his mother in a compromising position lately. Not to say there weren’t a few close calls, but Reese didn’t have to make a trip to collect him from the police station.

Reese looked at her watch when she heard the noise outside. It was time for them to be home. Heavy feet thundered across the back porch. There was a moment of silence before Mav entered the kitchen in his boxers, his clothes tucked under his arm. He stopped to kiss her cheek before tossing his clothes in the washer and continuing upstairs to the shower.

Cash emerged next much the same way Mav did. He, too, tossed his clothes in the washer before turning it on. Returning to the kitchen, Reese eyed him in his boxers, waiting his turn on the shower. She hadn’t tired of wanting to run her tongue over every inch of skin he exposed.

“Beautiful, you can’t look at me like that and not make me want to bend you over that counter.”

“Not on the cake,” Pappy casually remarked as he walked through the kitchen and into the living room.

“I thought you were holding out for me riding you later?” Reese teased. Who knew the man loved his sack tugged while she rode him? Then she slipped her finger behind them to message that one spot she knew would have him erupting in no time.

“Damn, hard choices,” Cash smiled. “Both sounds good, but first we have to feed the kid and then give him the present.”

“Did you bring it with you?” Reese didn’t want to admit she searched the house this afternoon looking for it but found nothing.

“Tucked away safely at my house with no chance of anyone finding it.”

The water shut off upstairs, interrupting them. “Fine, just remember if it sucks, I may never again.”

“Aw, Beautiful. I know for a fact you like sucking on my cock almost as much as I like you doing it.”

“Go get in the shower,” Reese pushed him out of the kitchen. His laughter followed him up the stairs. “Damn man. It better be good.”

The sound of Mav thundering down the stairs had Reese pulling out the mac and cheese from the oven. Placing it on the table, she placed a platter of chicken beside it. Reese added the last of the chicken to the hot oil when Mav plopped down at the table.

“Can I get my present first?” Mav asked.

“Nope,” Reese replied without a second thought. “You know the drill. Dinner, cake, and then presents, it has been the same for every birthday since you were born.”

“Yeah, but I am sixteen now. Can’t we change it up a little?”

“Not going to happen,” Pappy told him.

“Can I get a clue what you got me?”
