Page 64 of Tempting Reese

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“No.” Reese could hardly give a clue when she didn’t have one herself.

“You’re mean.”

“And you are just now realizing it?” Reese shot back at him.

Mav continued to pester her, making Reese smile at his antics. She let her mind wander with all the ways Mav was changing. He liked sitting on the front porch with her and Cash in the evenings. The boards had been fixed, so no one’s hiney was in danger as they talked. Reese knew it wouldn’t last forever, but she would take all the time together she could get. She had been afraid he would have lasting effects from his time with his father, but thankfully he took it in stride. There was only one time he asked her if they found her father. That was still a point that made them all uncomfortable.

“Hello,” Reese answered the phone, interrupting her train of thought.

“Honey, are you sure you won’t let me take you out to dinner?”

“Sorry, the man upstairs in my shower would be pretty pissed off if I did,” she smiled.

“Well, when you decide to toss his ass to the curb, I can be ready in ten minutes,” Officer Franks joked. Anytime he called to give her an update, he always started the same way. Not that there was any chance Reese was going to dinner with him, but it never failed to bring a smile to her face.

“Mine,” Cash called loud enough for him to hear as he wrapped his arms around Reese from behind.

“Worth a try,” Franks added. “I know it is the kid’s birthday, and you all are probably getting ready to eat, but I wanted to call and give you an update.”

When Franks paused, Reese’s heart rate skyrocketed.

“Reese, they tracked your father to Cuba. Unfortunately, unless he decides to return to the United States, we can’t arrest him. There is still the warrant out for his arrest. If he decides to reenter the country, they are going to catch him at the airport. Sorry, honey, but I don’t have better news for you. I wish I did.”

“Well, that’s not so bad, right? It means he was afraid enough that he took off to a country with no extradition to the United States. Just because law enforcement cannot go after him doesn’t mean that all of the other people he pissed off can’t go after him there. When he starts flaunting his money, it will gain him all the attention he can handle in Cuba. All that newfound notoriety couldn’t happen to a nicer person. Eventually, someone will take him out.”

“Damn, remind me never to make you mad. Siccing a communist regime or a crime syndicate on someone is one hell of a way to look at it.”

“I may not know exactly where he is, but at least he isn’t in this country bothering us. My father cannot keep himself out of trouble long. They will find him, and one day his money will not be able to save him.”

“Well, on that note, I have one more thing to tell you. I talked with one of the financial whizzes at the FBI. The money Mitchell put in a long-term account after the sale of Oliver’s house will be coming back to him. I don’t know how, but they should be contacting you about that.”

“Wonderful. Pappy will be so relieved.”

“Tell Mav I said happy birthday, and I will lock his ass up if I catch him racing through town.”

Reese laughed. “He would be better off with you than me. Thanks, Franks.”

Reese managed to pull the last of the chicken out before it burned, barely. Informing the family gathered around the table they no longer had to worry about her father was a significant relief for everyone. Pappy was overjoyed at having a nest egg returned to him. Mav started worrying about being pulled over before he even had a driver’s license.

They talked about their day as the food on the table disappeared. Mav tried to contain himself, but everyone could tell he was getting antsy. Reese hummed to herself as she stacked the dinner dishes in the sink and got out plates for cake.

“Can I have my present now? We can go out of order this year. It’s just one time in sixteen years.”

“I suppose so,” Cash grinned.

If Reese wasn’t mistaken, Cash seemed as excited as Mav.

“It is over at my house.”

Waiting until everyone got their shoes on had Mav bouncing with excitement. Cash reached for Reese’s hand as they walked across the street. Pappy just smiled a knowing smile, following along with them.

“This is from all of us,” Cash said, stopping in front of his garage. Yanking the door up, The light from the last rays of the sun outlined a large lump taking up most of his one-car garage. A filthy, slightly rusted car appeared when he flipped on the overhead light.

“I stashed it in here after I got it. It doesn’t run yet, but I thought we could spend some time fixing it up.” Cash reached into his pocket, retrieving a set of keys. Giving them a jingle to get Mav’s attention, Cash tossed them to him. “It is going to take a lot of work, but she is yours.”

“Really?” Mav asked in awe.

Tears swam in Reese’s eyes. Pappy slung an arm over her shoulder to give her half a hug.
